Showing posts with label writing process. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing process. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2013

Writing Theme

Sunday. The reading yesterday really moved me.  I am so glad I went! There were some very amazing pieces. Very individual and personal stories that actually made me glad to be part of this tribe of writers. Woohoo!!

Monday. Today I spent an hour and half writing. I circled and circled around several pages because they're not working.  I wrote it out...and then wrote new sections...then crossed out big sections...then re-worked it again...and it's waiting to be typed into the manuscript.  But even as I write these words I still know it's not there yet. I'm hoping with the next pass it will begin to take better shape.  Ergh.

Tuesday.  Tomorrow I am going to see Tegan and Sara in concert.  Very excited!! I bought this tickets back in the spring and I'm finally...finally going to see them.  Very stoked!!  It's supposed to rain tomorrow and it's an outside venue so I haven't quite figured out what shoes to wear yet since I'm going directly after work. Hmmm.  Still thinking...can you smell the smoke?

That's all I've got for tonight.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Sunday. As I type these lines Pandora is lying next to my laptop trying to nudge me into giving her some more treats.  Her thyroid condition is still out of whack so she is HUNGRY ALL-THE-TIME.  She woke me up at five this morning to get her first meal of the day.  And then second breakfast happened 20 minutes ago.  Plus treats and meds. I'm hoping her meds will even her out soon.

Let's see I spent Saturday working on my novel. I didn't even tell myself that I was going to work on it, I just opened up the folder and opened up the document and I started typing. If I had known I was going to work on it, I would have convinced myself to do anything else. In the quiet of my basement room I was able to revise half a chapter.  *sigh* This is such a slow process because I'm realizing, I am a SLOW writer.  My friend Christine calls it SLOGGING.  Hahaha.  What a great word!  And yes, that is what it feels like at times. I sometimes lose the fire for the project.  It's just an ember sometimes waiting for a soft gust of wind to bring the fire back.  Anyway, at least I put in a couple of hours into it yesterday.

After I finish this entry, I am going to face the page again.  Wish me luck!! I'm just going to put a little bit of time and hopefully the story takes over.  I just have to get out of the way of the story to do that.  Ergh!  Easier said than done.

This afternoon, I'm going to a poetry reading at Nuyorican Cafe with a good friend.  That should be fun! Poetry readings always pick me up when language is used in interesting ways.

On Tuesday night I am going to see fun at Pier 26 come rain or shine.  But really I'm going mostly to see their opening act...Tegan and Sara!!  Yay!!! Very excited!!  Hopping around as I listen to their music. It's the only time that I think I'm part rabbit.  I hear their music and it makes me want to hop.  teehee!!

God less than two weeks and the month of July is over. The summer is going by so quickly. And this temp gig will end soon too.  Ergh!  I'm going to have to shift gears again and start sending out some fresh resumes.  But who's going to read them in August?  Most people will be off on vacation.  Okay not the time to panic...back to my writing.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Soggy Monday

July 1st. Monday. The day is wet and overcast and I am feeling soggy. My mood seems to be joining in with the weather.

On reading--Last week, I finished reading Neil Gaiman's new novel, The Ocean at the End of the Lane.  It was quite wonderful and there is this one moment, when I felt the writer looking into the abyss and the abyss looking back. It gave me goosebumps. It swallowed that book whole, I couldn't put it down. I admire his craft of writing.

On writing--I have to trust myself with my work...go out on that limb called faith...'cause right now I seem to be shying away from the writing. I spent last Friday writing up all my post-it notes for Indigo into a two-page cheat sheet to help keep me straight on characters and back stories. And there are so many holes...I'm afraid I am trying to plug the holes up while the dam is ready to break open. I seem to be continuing on the being all wet analogy.

On movies--Okay, I also went to see Much Ado About Nothing by my favorite writer/director, Joss Whedon.  It was really entertaining to see his modern version of this play in movie form. I'm not sure if it all of it worked but it was great to see so many actors from his previous shows join him in this venture.  I loved Nathan Fillion...he made me laugh the hardest but I think that was supposed to happen.  And Amy Acker as Beatrice really worked for me (she needs to be in a lot more movies) but I found Alexis Denisof's portrayal of Benedick a bit lackluster...with the exception of that one moment when he's working out and spouting his monologue. The act of working out helped his delivery of those lines. I really loved Denisof in Buffy and Angel and I wanted him to be funnier I guess.

On television--Lastly, Ray Donovan finally started on Sunday night on Showtime.  LOVE Liev Schrieber in this show...but more importantly Katherine Moennig is playing his assistant Lena. This woman is hot and I like her kick back acting vibe. God bless the working lesbians out (of the closet) in Hollywood!!


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pressure Against the Wall

It's Monday and I spent most of the weekend packing.  I did take a break or two but, for the most part, my life has been revolving around boxes and putting things into them for my move on the 22nd.  I have two dozen boxes packed and two bookshelves broken down plus two cd shelves tied together and ready to be hauled.  Also the contents of my filing cabinet have been emptied into a box.  Everything I own in this world is in 24 boxes.  There are still clothes to pack and toiletries to put away and my altar to be packed but that will happen the night before my move.  I haven't included the big pieces of furniture in the tally: t.v. stand, the bed and my desk.  I'm leaving behind my favorite couch, ergh.  I am trying hard not to cling to things but the more I move, the more attached I've become to my stuff. It's the Cancer Crab (astrology) in me.  It's interesting to have packed things away and now living with less stuff around.  It reminds me that I can live simply without having to burden myself with material goods.  Really what's important to me is having pen and paper, my laptop and a good book to read when I've stopped walking around in circles.

I've been reading Ensouling Language: On the Art of NonFiction and the Writer's Life by Stephen Harrod Buhner.  His text inspires me to be a better writer.  He reminds me of the magic that goes into writing.  I sometimes get stuck in the mire of slogging through my own text and think to myself, "Really?  What's the Point?" Buhner's text reminds me that writing is about putting constant pressure on that wall to ensure a breakthrough.  I am reading his book and I feel understood.  The act of writing is such a lonely art.  We sit with our work trying to get the world that is in our heads to come through in coherent passages onto the page.  And there are times when the beauty that is in our brains just doesn't  translate properly onto paper.  It's incredibly frustrating. It takes a tremendous amount of faith to be vigilant with the writing and when I flounder, get stuck in the mire of it's-just-not-good-enough mentality, a book like Ensouling Language helps light a fire with my flagging energy.  At the end of the day, writing is more important than quitting.  Finishing this novel is necessary.  I've invested three years (and counting) into this manuscript and even though I still have a long way to go with it, I can't stop now.

I'm going back to an old routine that worked for me, getting up early mornings (4:30/5:00 am) to start my day writing.  Work for two hours on the novel then get ready for work.  I need a routine in place to keep me active on this story.  This is the only way I can put constant pressure 'til I feel that breakthrough again.  It will also help me through yet another time of transition.  Is it just me or have I gone through quite a few transitions lately?  Goodness!

That's all I have for now....more later.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Falling Off the Grid

I admit, I fell off the grid for awhile.  Been traveling a bit.  Was also looking for a new gig since I have a stack of bills staring me down.  Landed a temp gig down on Wall Street through my agency.  The job is perfect.  It's easy admin work and at the end of the day I can walk out of the building and not give the "work" another thought.  Today I finished out my first full week so a full paycheck by next Friday will come in handy.  I was told the gig is good until the end of August.  I have the next three months to find something a bit more permanent but in this economy a steady paycheck is enough for now.

Where to start?

Moving: In 16 days, I move from my current apartment in the Bronx back to Brooklyn.  Being out of work for two months left me needing to re-evaluate matters. I used up my piddly savings to pay for living expenses.  So I'm moving back in with the folks temporarily while I get this whole job/money deal sorted out.  Which is really kind of odd since they plan on selling their house in the next year or so.   Guess I'll figure that out when it's time.  Anyway, in the meantime I've been packing.  I've got a stack of boxes, comprised mostly of books, against the dining room wall.  It's strange to not have access to them. I know it will only be for a short time but I already miss the ability to grab a book at random just to read a passage.  I've whittled down my library every time I've moved and I'm down to about 10 medium boxes.  It's the object that I still spend money on acquiring. I keep sorting and re-sorting through papers and old journals and I keep wanting to chuck them but then my attachment to them stops me from doing it. Guess they go with me.

This whole transition time has me thinking about moving away from NYC to somewhere more remote. The problem with remote is lack of access to public transportation, 'cause altho' I have a driver's license, I really suck at the whole driving thing.  The idea of having to take care of a car and insurance payments and gasoline and whatever else it might need just does not appeal to me at all. So I guess I'm choosing to stay in a more urban setting. At times, I wouldn't mind living a simpler existence. Have less stuff but I'm not sure I could live out of a backpack tho'.  There are limits to my running away fantasies.  I'm not much of a camper.

Movie: Wednesday night I went to see the movie: The East.  It's another Brit Marling film altho' it was co-written with the director, Zal Batmanglij.  I've been waiting for this one for awhile now.  It's a decent flick but some of the storyline was problematic for me.  Sometimes, the dialogue got caught up in it's own sanctimonious bullshit.  I caught myself rolling my eyes a few times.  HOWEVER, what's underlying the actual story is this call-to-action social activism that I really dig.  I think Marling is still genius and I look forward to her next projects!!

Reading: While on vacation last week, I picked up the book Delirium by Lauren Oliver.  It's a young adult science fiction novel.  It's part of a trilogy: Delirium, Pandemonium & Requiem.  "In Delirium, the government requires that all teenagers be cured of love, a.k.a. deliria, to keep society safe. But 95 days before her treatment, Lena Haloway falls in love--and must face the truth about her own feelings and the world in which she lives." The writing at times has a lyrical quality that really made me savor the story. Oliver really captured that angst that comes with budding love.  I picked up her second book when I got back to the city and then downloaded the last novel onto my Nook.  I have to say the first novel was the best one for me because of the depth of emotion I felt while reading it. The second one was compelling but the writing was uneven for me. I finished the third novel today and hmmm....some of the story was satisfying and some of it was not.   

Writing:  I haven't been writing at all.  I've been trying to start a couple of new short stories but they won't come out.  Unfortunately, Indigo is still my obsession but I haven't been working on it either.  Which reminds me, I want to change the title...the title is starting to bug me.  I can't stop thinking about the story itself and my characters.  I just have to sit and write but I've been too active, too up-rooted, too social and doing everything else other than facing a revision of this novel.  I've been drinking with friends and going to movies instead.  Ergh.  Despite the fact the novel still calls to me.  I feel it constantly in the back of my brain, working, working out some of the problems.  But I need to take pen to paper or sit in front of my laptop and just start pounding on the keys.  I just need to get past my laziness and just take it one chapter at a time.  I can just feel that it's going to be a HUGE undertaking and I'm just not ready.

Play:  I went to see the play Relatively Speaking and I laughed so hard I could barely breathe.  I was up in the balcony section but I actually think the actors heard my hysterics.  I really love comedies based on misunderstandings and in this piece they were able to sustain the misunderstandings almost all the way through.  I want to know the craft behind that piece...perhaps I will break it down one day and figure out how it works.

Publication: I was notified a couple of weeks ago that Applause Books is going to take a monologue from Glass Knives and publish it in Best American Monologues.  How cool is that?!!  When I find out publication date, I'll let folks know.

All righty, I think that's all I have for the moment.  I've been sitting here for an hour trying to fill in all the blank spaces on this page.


P.S. Please forgive all typos and grammar problems.  I've realized lately that when I am writing off-the-cuff...the words are coming out before my thoughts have even formed.  It happens.

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Impending Mayhem

Cancun, 2006
It's been a busy week looking for a new gig.  The response is slow and that does stress me out a bit.  But next week it looks like I'm heading down to Mexico City to go visit relatives.  It's a much needed break to gain a little perspective. It's only for a week but I haven't been back in quite some time so it'll be good to connect again with my family. I may head out to Teotihuacan to visit the pyramids. It's one of my favorite places and it will help me loads.

I haven't spent any time on the novel this week.  The "not writing"is making me antsy. I've spent time journal writing but that doesn't seem to be quite enough.

Journal writing helps offset some of the stress of being out of work.  It's a place where I can bitch and whine and get that angst out of my system.  It helps me from acting out impulsively. It steadies me in the face of this new reality.  So it does help somewhat.  But it's up against that part of me that wants to be MORE productive.  Notice the capital letters...the same emphasis happens in my head.

I've been reading books and articles on a new way of looking at the world economy and taking ecological factors into the equation. Finite resources are impacting the way we think of GROWTH  in this world and there are some countries who are looking at a sustainable steady-state economics instead of a growth economy as a possibility.  It's A LOT of new information and I'm trying to take it in and process it but I have to write it out.  I want to use this new information for my next novel but how I'm going to integrate it into fiction...I'm not quite sure just yet.  Makes my stomach churn with nervous energy.  Perhaps that's what I'll start working on while I'm down in Mexico.  Just hash it out in some free-write exercises to see what comes up and out onto the page.  Oooo now I'm excited.

Anyway, I've been working at eating better and exercising more.  The healthy diet is coming along.  I've lost a couple of more lbs.  Yay! The exercising is still a bit rockier for me.  I just have an unbearable block about it.  I'll be good for a series of classes and then I quit.  No rhyme or reason...just quit.  Ergh!  It's a bit annoying.

Let's see tomorrow I'm going to be baby-sitting my nieces for the weekend.  Heaven help me!!  I have a 5 year old and a 7 year old to entertain for two days.  Eeeek!!  Hehehe.  I'm sure it will be fine. I've just finished picking up foods and snacks for them.  I also picked up a slew of markers and drawing paper so we can have some creativity time.  I keep having to remind myself that I need to pick up more children's books because they like a good story time.  Perhaps I need to go relish the quiet apartment because tomorrow it will be mayhem.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

April - First Week Overload

Monday— I took a day to myself and I went to see a little indie flick called Mental with a friend.  I absolutely loved Toni Collette in it.  It’s a dark comedy and I really enjoyed it.  Afterwards, we went to have drinks and just chatted the afternoon away.  I under-estimated how cold it was going to be so I was chilled to the bone.  Still, it felt good to be a bit decadent and enjoy an afternoon. 
Tuesday—I spent the day working on my novel.  After finding out that I lost pages again, I decided not to throw a pity part for myself.  I just put my head down and wrote up another 45 pages.  I didn’t even bother proofing the pages before I sent it out to my writing group.  Next Saturday is my turn to present.  Hopefully, it’s not all crap.  And even if it is…rewriting is always possible. 
Wednesday—I spent the day sending out resumes.  Job hunting is not much fun. I also broke things off with the new person I’ve been dating which was a bummer.  Definitely not my best day.  Boy, did that make me grumpy.   
Thursday—I spent the afternoon at MOMA to check out the Abstract exhibit. Overall, it was a decent collection.  For the first time, I actually appreciated Mondrian’s work.  Mostly I was reminded that Professor Horrigan really liked his work because he found it peaceful.  Isn’t it interesting how someone else’s appreciation helps you take a fresh look at a body of work. Mondrian has never been one of my favorites but I think I’m seeing his paintings with new eyes. 
There is also a beautiful blue watercolor by O’Keefe that took my breath away.  I’m attaching it here but the pic does not do the original justice. 
Blue II by Georgia O'Keefe, 1916
There were some mixed-media paintings that I found really interesting because I think layers are wonderful.   
There is also an Edvard Munch exhibit that I spent some time on.  I remember creating a lithograph very similar to the Scream.  It was amazing to study the actual piece up close. 
And of course, I sat in front of a Pollock.  It always feels like I’m visiting a friend.  As I sat there and watched visitors trying to take pics of his work, I realized that trying to capture that painting is just impossible.  Digital pics only flattens out the piece.  I sat there and took it in.  The painting definitely soothed me from my blues.
Friday—I spent the day embroidering.  Okay, this is definitely a girly girl thing to do but there was a couple of pieces in the Abstract exhibit that used embroidery as part of the medium.  I’m not very good at it but for the small piece that I’m working on it’s fine.  I wish I had smaller hoops but a 3” hoop is as small as they go.  Anyway, my fingertips hurt today from poking myself with the needle.  Argh!!  And there is blood on the cloth from the deep pokes…I’m not sure there is a way of incorporating drops of blood into the piece. Hehehe. 
Music-- I keep playing this song Open by Rhye over and over again.  It's haunting me today.  

Okay this is more than enough info for now.

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spilled Milk Sucks

Let’s see….on Monday I went to another grueling session of Bikram yoga and I was able to get into some poses better this time around. The heat helps loosen up the tight muscles but a side effect of this class is my stomach seems to now hate food. Ergh. I’ve been trying to eat smaller meals and drink more water throughout the day to offset the upset tummy. My plan is to take another class on Thursday after work. We shall see how that pans out. If that doesn’t work then I can hold off until Saturday and Sunday mornings.

With my temp job coming to end on Thursday, I’ll have some time next week to go more consistently. I would like to buy a set or two of workout clothes that wick the moisture from my body. It will be better than wearing cotton clothing ‘cause that doesn’t seem to work very well in there. Hmmm. I need to go visit a sports store to decide.

So yesterday I discovered that my last three chapters, the pages I finished last month are nowhere to be found. Ergh! Frustrating. Yesterday I was fit to be tied over it but I realized that I’ve just been careless with my work. I work on this novel in three different computers and I have not backed up my work very consistently. I usually print out the pages to have a hard copy of the new material but this time I did not. So here I go again, I need to re-write 45+ pages of material again. Where is my brain? I remember thinking that I need to email myself a copy of the pages but then I forgot to actually do it. *sigh* Well, I guess I have time this week to finish off these pages. What a crap thing for me to do. I’d be more upset over this but I talked to my writing buddy Christine and she just encouraged me to write the pages again. Thanks goodness for good friends.

Okay, I think that’s all I have for today. My stomach sounds like an alien baby is about to emerge through my navel. Haha!!
All for now,


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Oh What Fresh Hell Is This?

Last week I was given notice, which means that at the end of this month (March) my time with my current employer will be done. Let’s see I’ve had a big bag of mixed feelings about all this but at the end of the day it was always just a matter of time. I’ve had a good run and my agency is looking to set me up with a new gig shortly thereafter. In the meantime, I’ve been sending out resumes and trying to recover from a bout of bronchitis. Ergh!! I’m also looking at some writing residencies in Vermont and in Paris.

I have moments where I am really positive and enthusiastic about what’s coming up next and I have moments when it turns on a dime. Today, I’m feeling positive which is why I’m writing about it.

As I go through the job listings, I try to imagine what I’d like to be doing next. I’ve worked in several industries, a Jackie-of-all-trades with plenty of skills to boot. Part of me wants to work alone, staring at spreadsheets and crunching numbers all day, listening to music and just getting work done, leaving at 5 pm and leaving the work at the office. The creative part of me wants something collaborative, working on a team, bringing my A-game every day and being part of something that contributes to this world in a positive way.

Then the greedy scrumptious part of me wants to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. I’ve been revising my novel. Next month is my turn to present work to my writing group so I have four weeks to get the second half of the novel in working condition to send to them. I may send it at the end of the month, just so they have some time to actually read it.

Let’s see….then there are a host of things that I haven’t even thought to try out for yet. I may just do a search for oddball jobs…that might fit my personality better. Personal Organizer. Or a part-time office manager. Or..or..or? I’ve put some applications in for teaching but those gigs don’t start until next semester. I could go back to technical writing but that job bored me to tears and not in a small way either. It always felt like I was trying to burrow through a mountain of technical jargon with a teaspoon.

Anyway, I think it’s time to start building some Venn Diagrams to think this through. I need some new ideas because the old ones are nice and stale, leaving behind a dusty taste in my mouth. Hehehe.

Anyway, that’s all I have for now.



All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tegan & Sara - Beacon Theater 2/19

I am exhausted but content on this cold winter morning.

Tegan & Sara at the Beacon last night…what an amazing show! I love the fact that this duo has such a following. There were moments when we were all singing along and all these voices coming together, joining in, echoing throughout the theater, made this night powerful. Old and new songs sung and an encore performance. Yay! Living Room, Walking with a Ghost and I Couldn’t Be Your Friend were my favorite songs of the night. What a great concert!! They play again tonight and for a second, I thought about buying tickets to go see them again. But I’ve tempered the impulse. I’ll enjoy the night for what it was and do something else tonight. I've attached an audio file of "I Couldn't Be Your Friend."  This album HeartThrob has really grown on me.  There were some songs that I was iffy about at first but then I would be in a certain mood or hear a line or a music phrase and find a deeper appreciation for it.

Anyway, after the show I took the crosstown bus and for some reason every time I do this after a show from the Beacon, I get lost.  I was wandering around 3rd Ave and 79th Street for about 20 minutes looking for a the subway station.  This is the third time that's happened to me.  It was late and cold so there was no one on the streets to ask.  So I headed uptown and walked over one block west to find some familiar streets.  I found the station.  yay!! Here's the thing, I always confuse 79th with 86th.  Down that street the bus drops me off right in front of my train station. That will not happen to me again, (I think).  If it wasn't so cold I would have appreciated the walk.  I got home at half past midnight, took a long hot shower and tried to sleep.  But my neighbors kid was crying up a storm last night until half past one. Late, late night...makes for a bleary-eyed version of me today. 

Writing Update: On Monday, I spent about 4.5 hours writing. The ending needs more work but what I have so far is working. My inner critic is doing the “kind-of” sign in the back of my brain. I also started writing the epilogue chapter. It’s written in a bit of a shorthand sort of way so there is plenty to develop out. As I write this chapter I can feel more story unfolding. Ergh! I’m just letting it come out. No stopping it this time. Who knows it might become the sequel. Or perhaps there is a bit more story to tell before the novel actually ends. We shall see how that turns out.

Yesterday, no writing. Too busy at work and then the concert at night. Instead, I sat and read an article in the New Yorker about Amy Bishop, the woman who killed three colleagues at the University of Alabama in 2010. I have a germ of an idea after reading the piece. More scraps of notes in the bottom of my purse. There is a story / play in there somewhere.

Okay that’s all I have for today.



All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Typing as fast as I can

It's Sunday night and I spent the day writing.  Worked on my novel.  Boy, did that feel lovely.  I worked for five hours straight.  Retyped a chapter.  Revised a couple more and it's really taking shape.  What I was cringing over last month... really wasn't so bad.  In fact, the changes were coming through faster than I could type them out. Tonight I have such a deep feeling of satisfaction that I can barely sleep.
I've been dreaming about this story for so long and its just a matter of time before I finish it.  I have to go back and revise some of the earlier chapters to smooth them out with the newer chapters.  I have to make sure that it's following a logical storyline (more or less). I also want to give it to a former classmate to line edit the manuscript for me.  I need to see if she's up for the task.  She's such a careful editor that I'm hoping she has time to look it over because I want to start sending the manuscript out by June.  That is a feasible deadline.  Yay...doin' a little dance.

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Monday, January 28, 2013

A Little Place Called Crazy

I’m right smack in the middle of crazy on this Monday morning. I am finally putting the manuscript aside for a couple of weeks. After attempting to write several endings and being thoroughly unhappy with any version, I’ve decided to put it away and clear my head. I spent most of Sunday cleaning my apartment. It’s needed a scrub down. Bathroom, living room and hallways are sparkling clean. Bedroom is still a mess but we’re not discussing that at the moment. I managed to run some errands and buy a much needed laptop battery to replace the warping version that was in my MacBook. Ergh!

I asked the salesperson at the Apple store if they would be able to properly recycle the old warped battery and he said he’d absolutely take it off my hands but he wanted to know if it was leaking contaminants. Without missing a beat and as straight-face as I could manage, I replied, “Probably.” The sales associate took one look at me and burst out laughing. It took him a moment to recover before he went off to look for a compatible battery. It’s always a bit odd at how I amuse complete strangers.

I dashed off to go do some window shopping on Fifth Avenue. There is no point in entering any of these clothing stores because 1) can’t afford it and 2) can’t fit into their very tiny clothing line. Then a visit to Pier 1 to take a look at furniture. My sister announced to me a couple of weeks ago that she’s going to be moving out around mid-summer. * sigh * I’ve had enough time to process that information and not panic (kind-of). Really most of my head space has been occupied over this novel and the news that she was going to move out surprised me enough to bury my head into my story. I sent a few queries out to some friends and I have someone interested in being roommates. So panic has been diverted to looking at the living space and knowing when my sister leaves she’s going to take with her the dining room table and chairs. For the record, I think it’s ridiculous that a dining room table should cost over $1,000. There is no reason why it should cost that much. It’s ridiculous. So I was feeling grumbly over how expensive furniture is, let me revise that, how expensive things are in NYC. And no, I don’t want to buy a table from Ikea. I’m a bit fed up with particle board furniture.

So what’s the alternative? Craigslist? Garage sales? Or maybe, I won’t buy a table. It’s all just “stuff”. Perhaps a bit more bare existence won’t be so bad. This morning, on my way to the train station, one of our neighbors decided to throw out their couch (in the middle of the night) and leave it out on the front lawn of the apartment building. Really? It will snow with freezing rain today and that’s how they decide to dispose of their old couch. People just boggle my mind sometimes.

Tonight I am off to see Tegan and Sara in concert at the Beacon. This duo is a guilty pleasure of mine and I can’t wait to see them live. Yay! Dancing around to live music is exactly what I need to shake off these Monday grumbly blahs. Peace, L~

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I woke up feeling grumbly this morning. If I was a little kid, I’d be on the side of a road somewhere kicking a tire over and over again. It’s a hiding-under-the-duvet kind of day. But alas, there is much work to be done. The ending to my story is not working, which makes me feel crummy and whingy. It just lies there like a corpse. Ergh! Maybe it’s time to just let it be. Put it in the drawer. Let it rest for the next three weeks and come back to it with fresh eyes to start on the revising process. * sigh *. I’d just really hate to leave it where it is at this point because it’s not working. What to do, what to do, what to do. * rubbing my eyebrows off * It’s a cold rainy Wednesday and I want to scream. I’m just unbelievably frustrated, I feel deadlocked. The story’s run amok again and I don’t know how to fix it yet. I need a new profession because I absolutely suck at this creative writing bit. Now I have to sit in this quiet corporate office with too much time on my hands to twist myself up over this story, which is a special kind of hell made just for writers. I should give it another stab, go back to the place where my protagonist enters the Headquarters, and her plan goes awry. How do I get the others there? I keep leaving her allies behind. She doesn’t trust them. There are all these ulterior motives for each of them but they are necessary in this last confrontation. I need to focus on my day job obligations first…that should take me until noon to finish out then I should have the afternoon free to write. Hope so…let’s see how the day pans out.   Wish me luck

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What Day Is It?

Hmm, it’s been 10 days since my last entry and I’m trying to collect my thoughts as I write this entry.

I went to see the movie Silver Lining Playbook last week. I thought it was an intense movie in the very beginning so much so that I almost walked out of the theater. Cooper playing the part of Pat reminded me too much of my ex-brother-in-law. I got fidgety and uncomfortable and I really wanted to leave. But I stayed put and kept watching and the movie shifted when Lawrence character Tiffany stalks / jogs Pat. The humor started to emerge and the movie snuck up on me and won me over. DeNiro is fantastic as Pat’s dad. I know Jennifer Lawrence is the new “IT” girl because of the Hunger Games movies and I told someone recently that she struck me as a flat character actress. But I was reminded that she was amazing as Ree in Winter’s Bone. A little indie movie that came out a couple of years ago. Silver Lining Playbook a decent movie and I’m glad people are checking it out now that there’s so much Oscar buzz.

Let’s see my latest music obsession is Pearl and the Beard. Little indie music group from Brooklyn. Their music is on perpetual play on my iPod. I picked up both their albums, Killing Their Darlings (2011) and God Bless Your Weary Soul, Amanda Richardson (2009). I love, love, love this group and I’m attaching Voice in My Throat to this entry. More people need to know about them because they are too fantastic to miss. Lovely music.
Lastly, work on the novel is still moving along. I find myself fighting to go back and make major revisions. I’m just trying to reach the end at this point. I’m closer than I was yesterday.

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Okay so I’m a bit slow on the uptake. I’ve been hyper-focused on the novel these last couple of weeks. Three new chapters, 45 new pages and I’m almost done with my draft. I can see the end…I think I have two and a half more chapters to go and I will have reached completion of the story arc (I hope, eek). The revision process will probably be more intensive around these last five chapters but I’m feeling really good. Today, I managed another 1,775 words without too much drama. I’ve also made plans to meet up with someone to help me with some the technical aspects to give the language a little more authenticity next week. I fake it really well but I’d like just a bit more techie lingo from some computer savvy folks.

It’s funny I started my days trying to think of some new year goals and in procrastinating with the goals list I started working on my novel instead. Hehehe. So on top of my to-do list in 2013 goals.

Hope this New Year brings everyone blessings of health, serenity and abundance.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Friday, December 21, 2012

It’s a cold, wet Friday morning and I am drinking green tea with ginseng and honey. I think I’m coming down with a cold. I am achy, my throat hurts and my head is thick and foggy. Wish I had brought a scarf to work today. I sit slightly under one of those air vents so I have cold air coming down upon me. Good thing I dressed in layers, t-shirt and a sweater (at one time was thick and plush thing but today resembles a thin veneer of a sweater). Up until now I’ve been really good about staying healthy, washing my hands, moving away from the sickly members, co-workers and strangers alike, but I think Patient X in my circle was my sister’s boyfriend. Ergh! He’s been sick for the past week and has been in the apartment. I should have banned him as soon as he started sneezing. Alas, my sister would have quashed the idea. * humph *

Tomorrow I head to Brooklyn to help my mami make pork pasteles, which means black hands from handling green plantains. She gives me a pair of medical gloves but I can never seem to find a way to grate the plantains with those things on.

Anyway, I’ve been in the Holiday spirit this year. Humming Christmas carols to myself. I have three favorites: Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is You”, “Baby it’s Cold Outside” sung by Zooey Deschanel and Julie Andrews “Favorite things.” Okay, I know the last one is technically not a christmas song but Sound of Music always comes on t.v. around the holidays so I associate the two together.

My mood has been considerably better now that I’m taking some good quality vitamins. Project Healthy Me has had its ups and downs (pun intended). I seem to be circling around the same five pounds at the moment. I am still down 23 lbs. At one point I hit a 27 lb loss but that was short-lived and up I went again. There are some weeks that I am focused and aware…and then there are some weeks that it feels too hard and I don’t want to track anymore. Then I get back on that horse and continue. I need to get some more movement on my dance card. That’s the only way this weight loss will really take hold. I’m holding myself back. I see my hesitancy and my lack of motivation despite the fact that my body craves more movement.

The writing is still going. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I see the finish line up ahead and I’m trying not to cramp up and stop. I am almost 200 pages in with less than 50 pages to go…unless the story opens up again I follow it down another rabbit hole. Hehehe. Seriously though, I’ve been wrangling with a point of logic in the story and I need to untangle it for the rest of the words to come out. So with teeth to logistical knot I am trying to loosen it up and smooth it out for the rest of the piece to keep moving forward to its inevitable end. I’ll try to keep you posted but lately it’s been either putting up a post or working on the novel. The novel has been winning out. Yay.

Okay last bit, I was looking for new music the other day and came across this artist: Ben Howard – Only Love. I can’t stop listening to it. Check him out.



All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Another Balmy Monday - Really? In December?

It’s a deceptively warm December day and I am in a quiet pensive mood. My sister keeps asking me if anything’s wrong and I don’t really have an answer. My migraine finally let up at around 10 pm Sunday night. A full weekend of mind numbing pain and then it dissipated.

I went for a walk, just to get some air, in Bryant Park earlier. The ice rink is up and I’d like to go ice skating one of these nights after work. Tonight is yoga night tho’. Brought my mat and a change of clothes and heading for a Vinyasa studio after work. Just need to stretch and move my body a little bit. Just enough to remind me that I have some muscles that work. Oh, this is a hot studio, thought it might be a good change since my muscles are so tight from sitting at a desk all day long. We shall see how it goes.

No writing for the past three days. Writing group is next week and I need to do some editing work on the new pages before I send them around. That will be my task this week. I can move quickly through those pages since I know what changes I need to make for the future pages to make sense (I think). I’m not exactly sure if that last bit made much sense but I’ll assume that it’s coherent.

Then next week back to the last 100 pages. I actually don’t know if that’s how many pages are left to be written but for argument’s sake that’s an approximate number. My manuscript will probably test me on that point but I’m going with the flow (for a change).

And then I’m going to let it rest for 4 weeks while I work on my next writing project, a play. I’ve been missing my theater roots lately and I’m itching to write a full length piece. Now that I’m an actual member of the Dramatist Guild, I’d like to use some of their resources to put up a reading in the new year. There is much to do but I’m not flustered. I feel calm and centered. Wow, how is that possible?


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Loose-ness

Writing Update: 
Thursday ~200 words
Friday: ~1,600 words
Saturday: ~1,800 words
Sunday: 1,880 words
Total to date: 20,041
New Pages since Nov 1st: 62

I know I gripe way too much about my life, my writing and everything in-between. Here's the thing, my griping is part of my process. It is. I whine. I bitch. I complain and then I write. Then I start again.  But I always come back to the page. It keeps me sane. It give me a glow. It's where I find some of my power. Some, not all.   I still don't know where i'm going with this novel.  More days than not, I just want to burn the damn thing...but I'm not allowed to do that.  I just need to get to the end of the story arc.  That is my only job at the moment.  

Although writing along with NaNoWriMo, the goal was to hit 50,000 words...I'm not sure I'll reach that goal.  I'll just keep digging in every day and see how far I get.  But I'll put in time every day.  Five more days left till the end of the month. (Which roughly means 6,000 words per day if I try to reach for that goal). Then 31 more days till the end of the year to get my first draft done.  I am REACHING...and STRETCHiNG to get it done.  

I had a good time spending Thanksgiving with my family  Lots of laughs, lots of good food, lots of alcohol (altho' I abstained for a change), lots of shouty discussions and I had a fantastic time. Yay! My baked butternut squash dish didn't quite turn out the way I wanted...just wouldn't cook properly.  Ah well, no point.  For a change I did not beat myself up over it.  Progress.Little baby steps. 

Healthy food choices were okay. This week is not the week for weighing in.  I treated myself to an amazing Thai massage on Sunday.  It's been awhile since I've been able to move my neck this freely.  Ergh!  Way too much time at the computer.  Anyway, must get back to yoga on a more regular basis to keep the loose feeling going.  



All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Long Answer to a Short Question

It’s Tuesday. Started my day with the sound of construction work outside my window. A jack hammer alarm is harder to find the snooze button on it. For a change, it actually didn’t bother me as much as it usually does. Mostly because the sound of construction gives me a sense that money is being spent on the infrastructure of the city and that always helps our limping economy.

Writing Update: Yep, don’t really wanna talk about it. Just haven’t done much with it this week. There are a hundred and one reasons (a.k.a. exuses) but none of them really matter. I was supposed to have been at 25,000 words on November 15th…wasn’t even close…still teetering around 14,000 somewhere [earlier I wrote 1,400 and that wasn't the case]. Writing this novel makes me want to hide my head under my duvet. It’s frustrating. I have a hard time letting go of control. Ergh. This lesson is biting me in the ass.

Last Wednesday, I was having the worst possible day. I hit my wall. I was just angry. Part of it is the writing (or lack thereof). Part of it is my past keeps trying to invade my present…and I was having complicated feelings about it. The scale was starting to creep up again. I know this is all very personal but hell this is part of the human experience, no? We all struggle with feelings of frustration and anger and how that impacts our every day. And I wanted to quit. Quit EVERYTHING!! Quit writing, quit my shamanic training, quit my job, quit project “healthy me.” Just cut out. Running away fantasies. The problem with running away is that I take ME along in this scenario. It doesn’t matter where I go, I will come upon the same problems and the same manners in which I deal with them in the same way. No way of getting around it…and no matter where I go, there is my stack of baggage that comes along. It didn’t help that I was also dealing with a wicked migraine. I just tuck myself into a cold dark room and I want the world to go away. Actually, I just want the pain to go away.

There is always this moment whenever I am doing things that are healthy for me where I just want to stop. No rhyme or reason to why I want to stop, I just don’t want to continue. I convince myself that nothing is ever really going to work. In fact, several years ago, I was running (jogging) pretty steadily. I had moved myself from running a couple of miles up to 5.5-6 mile runs. I was getting that lovely release of endorphins and feeling pretty good about my pace. Then one day, I went for a run down along the river and made it down to 116 street from 151 street. It was less than a 2 mile run and I stopped. I wasn’t hurting, I wasn’t winded…I just stopped moving. It was a clear bright cool spring day and I turned around and caught a bus home. I didn’t ask the question, didn’t even bother. That was the last time I ran. I miss running. Note to self: start running again.

I woke up on Thursday having a complete change over. Magic elves were working on my psyche that night because I felt bright and positive and shiny again. Where had all the self-pity that I usually cloak myself with gone? Instead, I opted to get back on healthy food choices and a long walk during lunch. I added another 200 words to my novel but I hardly count them. In fact, I don’t even think I added them onto my NaNoWriMo tally. Ergh! Anyway, neither here nor there. I just realized that I matter. Yes, my writing will sometimes suck…but my writing is just an aspect of who I am, it’s not the sum of all my parts. Weird how something so obvious seems so foreign to me.  This is my long answer to a short question: I'm back on track.

Friday night I went to dinner with a friend and we went to see the play, The Outgoing Tide written by Bruce Graham. Such a good piece of drama. Peter Strauss as the lead actor was fantastic! His performance gave me goose bumps. Graham’s writing was gorgeous because it was both funny and serious in a way that was even-handed. There were scenes that went on a tad too long but for the most part it really was an amazingly well developed piece.

Then Saturday night, I went to see Ani DiFranco in concert at Town Hall. She went on one of her feminist liberal rants and I LOVED IT! She started off the night by doing a poetic piece. About being citizens, not just consumers. Yay!! She said a lot more but I don’t want to mis-represent her with my own feminist rant! Hahaha!

Wait, before I get ahead of myself. Let me first talk about the opening act. A little group from Brooklyn called Pearl and the Beard. Their sound was so right on, they actually blew me away. I am sharing one of their songs below. They are so good that I didn’t want them to stop singing. They are playing at Brooklyn’s Bell House, Dec 1st. May go see them there. Their music give me chills!!
Back to Ani DiFranco. She sang new material and there is something about her music that speaks to me down to my DNA. She had some beautiful fucked up love songs that did me in. I was sitting in the balcony with big soppy tears streaming down my face but they were so WORTH IT! She also sang some of her old material, like 32 flavors and Shameless (one of my favorites) and I loved it when the audience sang along. It was a great moment. Really fantastic!
Okay, I think we are all caught up.

'Nuff 'bout me

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Inner Critic Won This Round

Let's see, where should I start this?...oh yes, word count.  I will confess that Friday night I did not write.  * Gasp - I KNOW * I had my inner critic shaking her finger at me and ranting on and on about laziness which is never my favorite word.  I was checked out and having a pity party for myself.  Should I list all the things that got in the way...really it was just my "skewed thinking brain" that got in my way.  Here are some sound bytes (take with a grain of salt in the light of day):  I don't like the story any more, I don't think I am smart enough to write this particular story, I am convinced that my writing is crap with all my split infinitives and excessive ramblings, And then it got worse. And nothing I told myself worked, I was convinced that washing dishes and  cleaning my cat's litter box was SO MUCH more important that working on my writing.  Really?!  Really?  So ONE WHOLE DAY without writing.  Ergh.

Today I was racing through my day.  Saturday was spent in a crazy whirlwind of errands. Picking up my dad's birthday present from the post office, buying the appropriate display case for it and pretty wrapping paper, lots of time on a line that snaked for two and a half days through the store, sheesh, was crazy-town in my brain today because no one was moving fast enough. Then at 3:30, I met up with my writing group and we talked about Christine's story...gosh, so very proud of her and all the work that she's done on it. All the talking about writing craft made me ready to FACE THE PAGE...* by the way, I did that with a low, booming voice * So I hopped online, went to the NaNoWriMo website to check my stats and they were dismal since I didn't put one word on the page yesterday.  Today, I managed, 1,600 words in two and a half hours.  Yay!  Okay, I'm still behind the eight ball on this you see that diagonal line...that's where I should be hitting right now if I'm going to hit 50,000 words at the end of the months...eeesh!  My grand total so far is 11,101 words.  Now, according to all their stats I need to write 8,000 words on Sunday to be caught up.  Why does it feel like I'm in school all over again? My goal for tomorrow is 5,000 words.  Eight hours, two breaks to eat a small meal...I can do it right?  *gulp* And could I possibly squeeze in a walk in Central Park?

I have a dinner party to go to tomorrow night.  That's actually going to be my incentive...prize at the end of the tunnel...'cause I love Lance's cooking and his wife Patty makes the best Sangria EVER!!

My Stats on NaNoWriMo Website...Eeek!!

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.