I have moments where I am really positive and enthusiastic about what’s coming up next and I have moments when it turns on a dime. Today, I’m feeling positive which is why I’m writing about it.
As I go through the job listings, I try to imagine what I’d like to be doing next. I’ve worked in several industries, a Jackie-of-all-trades with plenty of skills to boot. Part of me wants to work alone, staring at spreadsheets and crunching numbers all day, listening to music and just getting work done, leaving at 5 pm and leaving the work at the office. The creative part of me wants something collaborative, working on a team, bringing my A-game every day and being part of something that contributes to this world in a positive way.
Then the greedy scrumptious part of me wants to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. I’ve been revising my novel. Next month is my turn to present work to my writing group so I have four weeks to get the second half of the novel in working condition to send to them. I may send it at the end of the month, just so they have some time to actually read it.
Let’s see….then there are a host of things that I haven’t even thought to try out for yet. I may just do a search for oddball jobs…that might fit my personality better. Personal Organizer. Or a part-time office manager. Or..or..or? I’ve put some applications in for teaching but those gigs don’t start until next semester. I could go back to technical writing but that job bored me to tears and not in a small way either. It always felt like I was trying to burrow through a mountain of technical jargon with a teaspoon.
Anyway, I think it’s time to start building some Venn Diagrams to think this through. I need some new ideas because the old ones are nice and stale, leaving behind a dusty taste in my mouth. Hehehe.

Anyway, that’s all I have for now.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
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