I had a helluva morning commute. My train is delayed and it sits in-between stations because of an incident in lower Manhattan. Twenty minutes later it finally enters a station. I wait another ten minutes before I decide to try to catch a cab since it looks like we weren’t moving any time soon. Yep, a few hundred people had the same idea so I couldn’t hail a cab if my life depended on it. I walk a few blocks to catch a cross town bus. It’s packed but I managed to squeeze in and then realize that I’m going in the wrong direction…that’s right, it’s going back uptown. Ergh. How does that happen?? Anyway, it does manage to cross over a few avenues. Hop back off and walk a couple of blocks and check the bus signs. Yep, right bus heading for Penn station. At least it’s going in the direction that I need. The bus pulls into Columbus Circle and announces that it’s the last stop. Are you kidding me? I hop off and decide to walk the rest of the way to work. At least that was a plus. It’s a mild overcast October day. I popped in my iTunes and listened to some hard rock as I power walked my way to work (3/4 of a mile). Hehehe. Picked up a bagel and entered my building. I was an hour late for work. Sheesh! Now I’m sitting in an air-conditioned office…chilled to the bone and this hot tea just doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.
The Fall always brings an abundance of energy for me. I am awake and bright-eyed!! Even overcast days can’t take the smile off my face. I love the feeling of the wind on my face. I feel like a superhero because I can feel Power (yes, with a capital P) radiate from my body. Yum! I enjoy the sound of small birds perched on the straggly trees or the sound of the wind moving through the trees. I can feel the vibrancy of the world around me, from the red and orange hues of the leaves to the little girl wanting to be in her daddy’s arms because the world is such a big and noisy place. Lovely.
Can’t wait for the weekend to see what I can get up to...Yay! Have a great weekend.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wired and Tired (part deux)
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Hudson River, October 2012 |
I'm back! It's taken me a couple of days to sit down and write an entry. The long weekend visiting T was good. Lots of running around, schlepping materials and inventory. Not much writing done...oh well. Basically, I crashed every night I was there. Altho' I managed to learn how to make sushi rolls...who knew it was so easy? Thanks for the lesson Tony. Brought home some stinky Korean stew and homemade white nectarine jam. Yum!! Also managed a quick pic from my train window.
It's 11:30 pm and my brain is wide awake...the body not so much. God! I want to write and write and write and I'm sure I'll end up with only quick paragraphs of random bits.
Finally finished Beautiful Shadow: A Life of Patricia Highsmith by Andrew Wilson. This bio was both dense and so well written. It took me a while to get through and the inevitable ending brought tears to my eyes. She died in a hospital alone. Ah. We are all moving in that same direction, n'est pas? I am neither morose or morbid about death, instead I've linked arms with it. If we're doing this, there is much to done before it comes to pass. Hopefully, I'll get to accomplish one or two more things before I pass on.
I've picked up the book Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking by David Bayles & Ted Orland. This is a must-have for every creative person out there. I've read this book quite a few times especially when I'm stuck with my writing. I am telling you I can open to any page at random and it inspires me to work. This book is MAGIC for me. On the train home from the day job, I read the section on Perfectionism and actually laughed out loud because the authors should have just started the chapter with Dear Lily... it was so on point. Ergh! Embarrassing but true.
I've been watching the show Nashville. Yes, guilty pleasure. Loving the cast and storyline on this new tv drama. Okay, I know I'm not a big fan of country music but there are a couple of songs on there so good I had to download at least one. My pick for tonight was Fade Into You sung by Sam Palladio and Clare Bowen. The version was so sweet and tender it made me go all mush. * awwwww *
Okay, I think I'm going to finish there...I'll write more in the morning after my first cup of tea.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Pulling It Together.
Today I woke up in a better head space. I went home feeling pretty low but I talked some of it out and not even 15 minutes into the conversation I was starting to feel better. I realized that this feeling of unsatisfaction only come on when I start in on myself about where I “should be” in my life, career, writing, relationships, etc. instead of being fully present to where I am right now! Serenity Now!! That makes such a huge difference in my outlook. Shifting perspective just a half inch to the right helped.
Last night, I helped tutor someone who is studying for one of his professional exams and to see him make significant strides in both the work and the material gave me a feeling of a job well done. We are far from done since his test is at the end of the month but just changing a few of his study habits has really helped him retain a vast amount of information. Yay!! His progress helped turn my self-pity mood around.
So today I had my hungry kitty sitting on my bed, staring at my face, until her Jedi powers woke me up. She wouldn’t allow me to go back to sleep because she kept patting my face with her paw. Glad her claws were retracted. Hehehe.
I also went down another lb. Yay!! Doing a happy dance. Bringing my total up to 20.5 lbs in 10 weeks. Hoorah!! I am closer to my goal.
All for now…peace out~
I'm back to waving my freak flag, Beotches!! Video below: Halestorm - Freak Like Me.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Odd Duck.
I’m having a moment. It’s troublesome really. My perspective is slightly skewed and I don’t know how to right myself up. I’m feeling like an odd duck today. Maybe it’s about being a creative type in a financial setting. Maybe it’s being over-educated and under-employed. Maybe I just need a break from this place. Maybe it’s the lack of writing. Being a frustrated writer sucks. Whatever the case may be I can feel hot tears of frustration welling up as I sit here at my desk writing this entry. Leaving for upstate NY in a couple of days. Will be good to get away. Will be good to take a break from the reality of my own life. All I want to do is work on some writing for a good long stretch of time and see if that will right the picture. My teeth are clenched. Trying to prevent the emotional dam from breaking through and not being very successful as I place fingers in the cracks. I don’t know what happened to my positive outlook. I’d blame it on the rain if it was raining. PLUS! I’m having a bad hair day…looks like a bird’s nest…altho’ a nest is neater that my straggly looking tresses. I’m a hot mess and I am very aware of it right now. Ergh!!
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Mondays are for Whiners.
Hehehe. Seriously. I’ve spent the better part of the day listening to folks bitch and complain about one thing or another. I need a tea break and an escape route. It’s going to be a short week for me. Off to upstate NY to help T. out with his last craft show for the season and some quiet time to work on my novel. Sweet Jesus..I need to finish this draft by year’s end.
I’m still reading Highsmith’s bio. I came up to the chapter on her racist views of Jews, Blacks and Puerto Ricans. It left me in a quandary. I wasn’t sure I wanted to read on. I just don’t understand how an intellect can be a racist. Won’t delve too deeply into my own thoughts on that right now. Some friends encouraged me to keep going with the bio and keep in mind the context of the socio-political-economic atmosphere of her times. I’ve pushed on and am now reading about her life in the late 1970s. I’m almost done with this book. As much as I want to read every book she’s ever written…I may hit just a few more of her most noted novels to see the progression of her craft. It will be interesting to see how her work unfolded and her writing developed in her lifespan. I’ve also jotted down a list of books that influenced her work. May read those as well.
On Friday, I went to see Nilo Cruz’s play, A Bicycle Country at Theater for the New City in the East Village. The first half of the play was much better than the second half. His writing is so beautiful, it’s poetic. A few lines have stuck in my grey matter. There was supposed to be a Q&A with the playwright but alas he cancelled out. One of the actors said, she thought the play was a hopeful piece. Oh my gosh, I completely disagree with her. It’s the antithesis of hopeful. In fact, the second half goes to such a dark place that I expected all the actors to each take a knife and open their veins right there on stage. Gruesome visual but true sentiment nonetheless.
On Saturday, I met up with my writing group at our monthly meeting. I think we need to find a new venue. Our current location was so filled with a tour group that we could hardly hear ourselves. Afterwards, we went to a wine bar for a little catching up. I’ve been to this place once before, Amelie down on West 8th Street. It’s so cute and I had a lovely glass of Cote du Rhone wine. I actually had several glasses of wine but the red was my favorite. Yum!
Alas, all this socializing has left me a little off-track with some of my healthier eating choices. Drat! But today I’m back on track. Yay!! I’ve hit a bit of a plateau but I’m not worried as long as the scale doesn’t start trending back up again. I am steady with 19.5 lbs lost. I just need to break the 20 lb mark ‘cause I have a long way to go.
Tonight some yoga and a light dinner and I’ll be good to go. Working on strengthening the muscles around my crappy knees. Hehehe…that made me giggle.
Mmm, I picked up Mumford & Sons new album, Babel. Really good album. I still like Sigh No More much better but maybe I just haven’t listened closely enough yet. We shall see.
All for now.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
I’m still reading Highsmith’s bio. I came up to the chapter on her racist views of Jews, Blacks and Puerto Ricans. It left me in a quandary. I wasn’t sure I wanted to read on. I just don’t understand how an intellect can be a racist. Won’t delve too deeply into my own thoughts on that right now. Some friends encouraged me to keep going with the bio and keep in mind the context of the socio-political-economic atmosphere of her times. I’ve pushed on and am now reading about her life in the late 1970s. I’m almost done with this book. As much as I want to read every book she’s ever written…I may hit just a few more of her most noted novels to see the progression of her craft. It will be interesting to see how her work unfolded and her writing developed in her lifespan. I’ve also jotted down a list of books that influenced her work. May read those as well.
On Friday, I went to see Nilo Cruz’s play, A Bicycle Country at Theater for the New City in the East Village. The first half of the play was much better than the second half. His writing is so beautiful, it’s poetic. A few lines have stuck in my grey matter. There was supposed to be a Q&A with the playwright but alas he cancelled out. One of the actors said, she thought the play was a hopeful piece. Oh my gosh, I completely disagree with her. It’s the antithesis of hopeful. In fact, the second half goes to such a dark place that I expected all the actors to each take a knife and open their veins right there on stage. Gruesome visual but true sentiment nonetheless.
On Saturday, I met up with my writing group at our monthly meeting. I think we need to find a new venue. Our current location was so filled with a tour group that we could hardly hear ourselves. Afterwards, we went to a wine bar for a little catching up. I’ve been to this place once before, Amelie down on West 8th Street. It’s so cute and I had a lovely glass of Cote du Rhone wine. I actually had several glasses of wine but the red was my favorite. Yum!
Alas, all this socializing has left me a little off-track with some of my healthier eating choices. Drat! But today I’m back on track. Yay!! I’ve hit a bit of a plateau but I’m not worried as long as the scale doesn’t start trending back up again. I am steady with 19.5 lbs lost. I just need to break the 20 lb mark ‘cause I have a long way to go.
Tonight some yoga and a light dinner and I’ll be good to go. Working on strengthening the muscles around my crappy knees. Hehehe…that made me giggle.
Mmm, I picked up Mumford & Sons new album, Babel. Really good album. I still like Sigh No More much better but maybe I just haven’t listened closely enough yet. We shall see.
All for now.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
writing process
Friday, October 12, 2012
Finding the gooey center.
It was an interesting evening Wednesday night. I always love that hush that falls over the audience…it’s the moment that I know people are listening. And I found my calm center when I got up to read my poems. My pieces were well received. Yay!! The other poets were really good too.
The audience was a mixed group… altho’ the people who worked for the paper tended to gravitate towards each other. I’m glad I had a few friends in the audience. By the time I was on the train heading home the adrenaline began to wear off …needless to say I crashed when I got home.
This has been a crazy hectic week and I am ready to for the weekend.
My best friend T. is going to have surgery soon. A bit worried over it but have been fluctuating between that and complete denial. Going up to his neck of the woods next weekend. Will know more then. Ergh.
Lots of running around the next three days. Tonight, I’m off to a reading of Nilo Cruz’s work in progress. I’m looking forward to that. Plus they are having a Q&A afterwards. I also have writing group on Saturday. Really looking forward to that too. Fall is always such a busy time, glad I have the energy.
That’s all I have for now. More to come later.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
The audience was a mixed group… altho’ the people who worked for the paper tended to gravitate towards each other. I’m glad I had a few friends in the audience. By the time I was on the train heading home the adrenaline began to wear off …needless to say I crashed when I got home.
This has been a crazy hectic week and I am ready to for the weekend.
My best friend T. is going to have surgery soon. A bit worried over it but have been fluctuating between that and complete denial. Going up to his neck of the woods next weekend. Will know more then. Ergh.
Lots of running around the next three days. Tonight, I’m off to a reading of Nilo Cruz’s work in progress. I’m looking forward to that. Plus they are having a Q&A afterwards. I also have writing group on Saturday. Really looking forward to that too. Fall is always such a busy time, glad I have the energy.
That’s all I have for now. More to come later.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Hunting Bats
It’s day of event! I’m excited and nervous and the butterflies that I had early this morning have turned into bats. My stomach has been rumbling and grumbling…it sounds like an alien baby is trying to escape. Ergh!! It’s early afternoon and I have a little less than three hours before I leave work. Today is a day to throw myself into a project to focus on something other than my nerves. But alas, my high adrenaline won’t allow for concentrated effort.
After the Heart concert, I’ve been on the hunt for killer rocker women and I came across this group: Halestorm. Lead singer Lzzy has a twisty voice and I also have a soft spot for redheads (dammit*). This song is a fast, screaming, shredding rock song. LOVE IT!!
Enjoy beotches!!
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Palabras, Ritmo, y Arte
Quick shout out with details for tomorrow's event. I'll be reading a poem from my book, A Scorched Page.
Name of Event: Palabras, Ritmo, y Arte
Sponsored by The New York Times Company VOCES Latino Heritage Network
Wednesday, October 10th from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Address: 620 8th Avenue (between 41st & 42nd Street), 15th floor Conference Center
There will be Musical Artists, Spoken Word Artists and Visual Artists represented. Free and open to the public.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Name of Event: Palabras, Ritmo, y Arte
Sponsored by The New York Times Company VOCES Latino Heritage Network
Wednesday, October 10th from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Address: 620 8th Avenue (between 41st & 42nd Street), 15th floor Conference Center
There will be Musical Artists, Spoken Word Artists and Visual Artists represented. Free and open to the public.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
poetry reading
Monday, October 8, 2012
It’s a brisk October day and I like the feel of the cold breeze on me.
This weekend I watched my younger sister Vick run a half-marathon in Staten Island. She ran 13.1 miles in 2 hours 12 minutes (official time). Hoo-Rah!! She was up by 4 am getting ready for her race and I followed soon after by getting up at 4:30 am.
The day was cold and by the time she finished it had started to rain.
And with the rain came a full blown migraine on me. Ergh! It just sucked! I’d been doing so well managing these migraines. I’ve only had mild ones lately, the kind where I can still function. With the new healthy diet, losing weight and the vitamins I’ve been taking…I thought they were FINALLY starting to subside. But this migraine laid me out. We arrived back at the apartment by 2 pm and all I could do was go to my room, draw the shades and sleep. I was back to the nausea, light sensitivity and the right side of my brain on fire. *sigh *
Today, the cold outside feels good but I feel sluggish and low energy with the remnants of a mild migraine. I am trying not to sink into my usual pity party. It’s difficult not to when dealing with a long term health issue. Anyway, it’s time to get my day started.
Today I’m listening to Blue October. Love the raspy voice of lead singer Justin Furstenfeld. I’m putting up a 2011 video, THE FEEL AGAIN (STAY)
It’s a Blue October day. Peace, L~
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
This weekend I watched my younger sister Vick run a half-marathon in Staten Island. She ran 13.1 miles in 2 hours 12 minutes (official time). Hoo-Rah!! She was up by 4 am getting ready for her race and I followed soon after by getting up at 4:30 am.
The day was cold and by the time she finished it had started to rain.
And with the rain came a full blown migraine on me. Ergh! It just sucked! I’d been doing so well managing these migraines. I’ve only had mild ones lately, the kind where I can still function. With the new healthy diet, losing weight and the vitamins I’ve been taking…I thought they were FINALLY starting to subside. But this migraine laid me out. We arrived back at the apartment by 2 pm and all I could do was go to my room, draw the shades and sleep. I was back to the nausea, light sensitivity and the right side of my brain on fire. *sigh *
Today, the cold outside feels good but I feel sluggish and low energy with the remnants of a mild migraine. I am trying not to sink into my usual pity party. It’s difficult not to when dealing with a long term health issue. Anyway, it’s time to get my day started.
Today I’m listening to Blue October. Love the raspy voice of lead singer Justin Furstenfeld. I’m putting up a 2011 video, THE FEEL AGAIN (STAY)
It’s a Blue October day. Peace, L~
Friday, October 5, 2012
Esta Noche
It’s Friday…and it’s slightly past the middle of the day and I can barely keep my eyes open. Feeling a bit low-energy. I’m on my second 12-oz of cold water to try to shake me awake. It’s not working. Instead, it just makes me want to pee often. I’m grumbly and moody. I ate a healthy veggie chili with a spicy kick that I made last night. It was yummy. But I’m feeling high-strung and upset today. I reached out to a friend and we kvetched about writing and it made me laugh at that moment. But now I’m back with chin in hand wanting to connect with my sci-fi novel. The one that’s not working. I’m frustrated. So I work on other things but the other projects don’t leave me satisfied. Instead, it heightens my frustration. Ergh!
Anyway, I wrote the following passage on the train home after Heart’s concert on Wednesday. It’s a pretty rough first draft….
In darkness love could be wrong
legs cross away, we do no speak clearly
bottles left uncovered, spilling over.
I am lost on First Avenue at midnight
bags lean against my thigh
she leaves me, reading a book.
My music consists of guitar players,
quiet vocals singing my lost poetry
We don’t speak, we squeeze into tight
subway spaces reminded that we loved
each other once. My watch has stopped,
your time is wrong and neither figure
on being right for a change. Wait,
while I write complicated prose
on my back teeth, past Cypress Avenue
at half past midnight and limp away
on blistered knees and bleeding feet.
Open my eyes and you have left me
again. Black kohl smudge the page
from stained fingertips. Inverted
phrases say nothing and tease me
that I was once a poet who wore
a black trench on a humid October
night and the rains have kept away.
You love me, especially at night
alone, keeping company with memories.
Ignite the corrections and a foot stamps
against the train floor. Pack a layer
of the past, the mewling cat demands
to be fed as Ann Wilson sings my path
home when uncovered bottles tip over.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Anyway, I wrote the following passage on the train home after Heart’s concert on Wednesday. It’s a pretty rough first draft….
In darkness love could be wrong
legs cross away, we do no speak clearly
bottles left uncovered, spilling over.
I am lost on First Avenue at midnight
bags lean against my thigh
she leaves me, reading a book.
My music consists of guitar players,
quiet vocals singing my lost poetry
We don’t speak, we squeeze into tight
subway spaces reminded that we loved
each other once. My watch has stopped,
your time is wrong and neither figure
on being right for a change. Wait,
while I write complicated prose
on my back teeth, past Cypress Avenue
at half past midnight and limp away
on blistered knees and bleeding feet.
Open my eyes and you have left me
again. Black kohl smudge the page
from stained fingertips. Inverted
phrases say nothing and tease me
that I was once a poet who wore
a black trench on a humid October
night and the rains have kept away.
You love me, especially at night
alone, keeping company with memories.
Ignite the corrections and a foot stamps
against the train floor. Pack a layer
of the past, the mewling cat demands
to be fed as Ann Wilson sings my path
home when uncovered bottles tip over.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
1st draft,
writing process
Thursday, October 4, 2012
HEART Rocked My World
I know there is this amazing band that is playing alongside of Ann Wilson so big props to them for playing their hearts out (no pun intended). Nancy Wilson on her guitars, both electric and acoustic, was PHENOMENAL!! True blue rock music filled the space up.
I grew up listening to HEART and to hear them now live after all these years made me lose my mind. Ann Wilson still has such a powerful voice and I could not get enough of it. I was thrashing and singing and howling along with them and I was loving every minute of it. They sang ALONE, THESE DREAMS, CRAZY ON YOU, MAGIC MAN and my all time favorite BARRACUDA. I could not stop screaming and by the end of the night I had very little voice left but who needs to talk. Heart played a two-hour show and god-oh-god-oh-god were they worth it!! I am so VERY FUCKING GLAD that this is how I’m ending my concert season. Hoo-RAH! Rocker Chicks Rule!!
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October Snuck Up On Me
It’s a foggy Wednesday morning and I haven’t quite woken up despite the fact that I’m sitting at my desk at work. *yawn * I realized this morning that October snuck up on me. Yes, the month. Where did September go? First it was August all hot and humid and then it was October and the leaves are changing color.
Tonight, I am going to see Heart at Beacon Theater. Can’t wait! I need some screamer rocker chicks to take away the bitter taste that has lingered since Jack White’s concert on Saturday. I heard he played a full set on Sunday…which hasn’t helped with the anger that I’ve been holding onto. Ergh! Anyway…Heart…tonight!! It sounds like their new album is going back to their edgier sound. Excellent!!
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Tonight, I am going to see Heart at Beacon Theater. Can’t wait! I need some screamer rocker chicks to take away the bitter taste that has lingered since Jack White’s concert on Saturday. I heard he played a full set on Sunday…which hasn’t helped with the anger that I’ve been holding onto. Ergh! Anyway…Heart…tonight!! It sounds like their new album is going back to their edgier sound. Excellent!!
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
Monday, October 1, 2012
White Noise
Saturday night’s concert was a huge disappointment. I don’t even know where to start, I am between despondent over it and completely pissed off over what happened. Jack White played for less than hour and then he left the stage. We all thought he was taking a break and he’d come back out. After waiting twenty minutes, the curtains came down and they announced that the show was over. The complete outrage that rang throughout the crown was palpable. I sincerely could NOT believe it.
I had gotten there early, sat in a mostly empty theater and read a book. I love the quiet of an empty theater before a show. There is a hushed sound for a good long while, before the crowds come in, that leaves me feeling peaceful. I was excited but calm. I even broke my healthy eating choices by having a hot dog with mustard and a ginger ale for dinner. Ergh! I regretted that decision much later.
Anyway, the opening act was not my cup of tea. It was twangy act from the Midwest that left me yawning. It happens. They only sang a few songs but I had to take a walk around to get away from listening to them. It’s been a long time since I walked around Radio City Music Hall and I’d forgotten how it looks with its red velvet carpets and gawdy gold walls. Another break between opening act and then Jack White was on.
White played with the all-male band. He played a bit erratic, he’d start up an intro to one song and then cross over to another intro to another song before settling in on some version of a third song. I don’t know what the fuck he was doing. He was having trouble with the sound in the venue, there was a back echo that was making him mad. He was having trouble with how calm the place was at the beginning because he asked the audience if “this was an NPR convention?” which was meant to be funny but it came off as snide. I’m not sure what he was expecting? This was a sit down venue and everyone was on their feet…what more was he expecting with the limitations of the space? Folks bum-rushing the stage? He also had some choice words for folks in the front rows. I think he was arguing with someone who was taking either pics of him or video. He kept yelling at them to cut it out. Then he also castigated someone for clapping in between a song, he was offended. Really?! He did play an okay set…he had a really good moment with his electric guitar but one moment does not a concert make. Anyway, when he finally signed off, I thought he was just taking a break and he’d be back. But alas, that did not happen.
I’ve always heard that he was a bit of a diva but I wrote it off as being eccentric. After all, his talent level was on the high side so it was easy to write off. Now his eccentricity was affecting ME [yes, I am having a selfish moment] and I was not happy. I paid hard-earned money to see him live and I resented the fact that he gave us less than an hour’s worth of show. In that case, I could have watched a YouTube version of the show for free. The couple who sat in front of me kept going on and on about how they paid $500 for their tickets and how it was the last time they’d go to one of his concerts. I’m with them. WTF? I was livid as I left the theater. So much so that I got into a shouting match out in the streets with some random New Yorkers. I surprised myself. My apologies for losing my damn mind. I may not have paid $500 for the ticket BUT this concert-going experience has left a sour taste. Believe me when I tell you, I am BITTER!!
Good thing that my last concert for this season will be HEART! I am hoping they will right the wrongs of this past Saturday by giving a kick ass performance this coming Wednesday. After Heart, I’m taking a break from the live concert experience, perhaps save a little cash to go on holiday in the New Year. Some friends want to go to London and I am making a serious plea for Barcelona or Greece. We shall see, we shall see.
I am off to make myself a cup of tea, to remind me that I was civilized once upon a time.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
I had gotten there early, sat in a mostly empty theater and read a book. I love the quiet of an empty theater before a show. There is a hushed sound for a good long while, before the crowds come in, that leaves me feeling peaceful. I was excited but calm. I even broke my healthy eating choices by having a hot dog with mustard and a ginger ale for dinner. Ergh! I regretted that decision much later.
Anyway, the opening act was not my cup of tea. It was twangy act from the Midwest that left me yawning. It happens. They only sang a few songs but I had to take a walk around to get away from listening to them. It’s been a long time since I walked around Radio City Music Hall and I’d forgotten how it looks with its red velvet carpets and gawdy gold walls. Another break between opening act and then Jack White was on.
White played with the all-male band. He played a bit erratic, he’d start up an intro to one song and then cross over to another intro to another song before settling in on some version of a third song. I don’t know what the fuck he was doing. He was having trouble with the sound in the venue, there was a back echo that was making him mad. He was having trouble with how calm the place was at the beginning because he asked the audience if “this was an NPR convention?” which was meant to be funny but it came off as snide. I’m not sure what he was expecting? This was a sit down venue and everyone was on their feet…what more was he expecting with the limitations of the space? Folks bum-rushing the stage? He also had some choice words for folks in the front rows. I think he was arguing with someone who was taking either pics of him or video. He kept yelling at them to cut it out. Then he also castigated someone for clapping in between a song, he was offended. Really?! He did play an okay set…he had a really good moment with his electric guitar but one moment does not a concert make. Anyway, when he finally signed off, I thought he was just taking a break and he’d be back. But alas, that did not happen.
I’ve always heard that he was a bit of a diva but I wrote it off as being eccentric. After all, his talent level was on the high side so it was easy to write off. Now his eccentricity was affecting ME [yes, I am having a selfish moment] and I was not happy. I paid hard-earned money to see him live and I resented the fact that he gave us less than an hour’s worth of show. In that case, I could have watched a YouTube version of the show for free. The couple who sat in front of me kept going on and on about how they paid $500 for their tickets and how it was the last time they’d go to one of his concerts. I’m with them. WTF? I was livid as I left the theater. So much so that I got into a shouting match out in the streets with some random New Yorkers. I surprised myself. My apologies for losing my damn mind. I may not have paid $500 for the ticket BUT this concert-going experience has left a sour taste. Believe me when I tell you, I am BITTER!!
Good thing that my last concert for this season will be HEART! I am hoping they will right the wrongs of this past Saturday by giving a kick ass performance this coming Wednesday. After Heart, I’m taking a break from the live concert experience, perhaps save a little cash to go on holiday in the New Year. Some friends want to go to London and I am making a serious plea for Barcelona or Greece. We shall see, we shall see.
I am off to make myself a cup of tea, to remind me that I was civilized once upon a time.
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.
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