Thursday, August 9, 2012

Literary Geeks Rise Up!

The last couple of days I have been spring cleaning.  I know it's late summer but I just have a need to clear out the clutter. No, I'm not procrastinating on the writing. I actually need to make some space on my desk to actually do it. Anyway, I've set a pile of books to give away and leave in random places so folks can pick them up.  Hopefully I won't get a ticket for littering. I have another pile of books to ship out to friends, returning things that I've held on for a long while...hmmm.  And I know there is more to get rid of.  Desk drawers and file cabinets full of random wires and old electronic equipment and past magazines that need to be read or thrown out.

Earlier today I read the following Joss Whedon article on Wired (May 2012):
For crying out loud, Whedon quotes Roland Barthes... this is the point when the literary geek girl in me swoons.  Loved the article, completely inspired me and I enjoyed even reading about those moments of insecurity when he works on his projects.  He talks about his success, his misfires and about his writing craft.  LOVED IT!!

On the train ride home, I was reading Patricia Highsmith's The Price of Salt.  I'm midway through this novel and I wish I had  known about this writer sooner in my life.  The way she handles the internal dialogue of the protagonist is doing my head in (in a good way).  There is so much internal strife and she handles it delicately between a handful of lines.  Beautifully done. Can't wait to read more.  Altho' my eyes feel like they might pop out of my head from too much computer/reading/writing today.

Lastly, tonight I spent the night working on my novel.  I wrote for three hours (1,500 words) and I feel good, decent and productive.  While I was on the train reading Highsmith...something about my novel clicked for me.  I realized how to introduce the betrayal that I've been struggling with almost from the beginning.  It wasn't even what I was reading brain is constantly working on this story in the background somewhere...looking at the problems...trying to figure out the next solution.  Working on this story makes sense again.  I'm also rethinking the title.  Just don't know yet what it needs to be.  I'll keep calling it Indigo until the new title comes...until then...I keep writing.



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