Friday, January 6, 2012

Pleasure Principle

I brought chapter 6 to my writing group last night and it went really well. Gosh, it’s so good to have a support system as a writer. They were positive and encouraging and they asked lots of really good decent questions that I can wrap my head around. Even some feedback that I wasn’t able to hear earlier, someone else mentioned it last night and it clicked for me.

I’ve had a note (more than once now) that I need to fill in some of the history of this futuristic world that I’m creating. I was reluctant to hear it because I knew that if that was the case I was never going to finish this story by the end of last year. So here we are the first week in January and there is more to go, more to fill in, more layers to unravel but I’m encouraged and feel pretty optimistic for a change. It could also be the mild sunny weather we are having today too. * big cheesy smile *

Anyway, I’m coming to terms with the fact that I am a slow prose writer. When I try to rush, I don’t allow the story to unravel and reveal the many little secrets that are starting to surface. It does help being more consistent in my writing practice. As in, sitting down and actually writing every day even if it’s only 200 words or just going over the work that I completed the day before. It’s my new obsession and it brings me pleasure again.

For too long, I was in a state of perpetual perfectionism that constrained me, tied me up into knots, spit me out and made me question myself and this ability to communicate this story. I’m shaking loose...and working on letting go.

Being the control freak that I am…well let’s just say it’s easier said than done…but I’m getting better at it. Anyway, last night’s writing group….was amazing. I was high and buzzing off the good vibes and being in community with these talented, intelligent writers…and talking about writing craft, social justice, teaching and whatever topics we hit on…just added a wonderful dimension. And if I forget about this feeling, I’m coming back to my own blog and reading this entry. Rock on!!

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