Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Radio Silence is Over

Well folks it’s been awhile. I’ve been acclimating to my new schedule, 6 months into my new day job, and finding time at lunch or after work to spend time on the creative writing.  I’m currently working through a short story right now (not science fiction). The ending is bugging me.  I keep re-writing it but blah, it’s just not coming out quite right.
Let’s see, I’ve joined a new writing group since my old writing group has split off.  I present this month so I need to keep working through the problems of this short story before I send it out to the group on Saturday night.  That’s my internal deadline otherwise I’m going to be putzing with it until it’s a tortured mess of a story.  We want to avoid that result. 
Movies-Must make mention that my crush on actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt continues. I recently saw a few of his movies back-to-back.  An earlier movie called Mysterious Skin (2004) where he plays a young gay hustler and the key moments when the character is the most vulnerable are heartbreaking. I also watched Premium Rush, ‘cause who doesn’t love a good chase movie but really it was candy (no nutritional value). Then I watched Don Jon, this movie surprised me.  He wrote and directed this film which made it better for me.  His character Jon is a player who sleeps with anyone he can get his hands on.  He meets “the one” in Barbara played by Scarlett Johansson, who plays a Jersey girl so well she scared me a little. Haha.  But when Jon doesn’t get his happily ever after, he meets Esther, played by the the wonderful Julianne Moore. The movie was a lot better than I anticipated.  Sweet, sweet, sweet.  Don't you love it when a movie makes you smile from all the way inside?
Health, I have my good days and I have my challenging days.  All the doctor visits haven't helped pin-point the underlying problem but I've managed to strike off a few illnesses off the list.  I guess that's the silver lining. Then I came down with a rebounding migraine that left me feeling a bit hollowed out. The food restrictions had washed down the headaches to once or twice a month. So to have this last one come on so strong and for so many days was a surprise  This week, I've slacked off on the food restriction list, it's amazing how quickly the weight starts to creep up. I just have a soft spot for baked mac & cheese. I have to get back on my strict guidelines again. The one thing that I have been struggling with is going to yoga classes on a more consistent basis.  Being healthy is hard work sometimes.  I know i feel good after a class, just have to show up for them.

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2014 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Entry

I am sitting here staring at this blank screen with a blank mind.  Overly tired. I spent yesterday breaking down the closet in my brother's room which was strangely gratifying.  I still have more work to do in that room.  More wood to pull down tomorrow.  The feel of hot nails as I wrench them out of the wood. I like the feel of these tired muscles.  By week's end, I'll finish priming the room and pick out some groovy colors in high gloss to lighten the room up. I've been living in a room without windows so it will be a nice change to get some sun coming in again.

For music I've been listening to Hall and Oats "Kiss on my List"...I know, I know, it's definitely old school...but you can't go wrong with this one.
I'll think of more to write tomorrow when I'm a bit more awake.  I'm off to bed for some much needed rest.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2014 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Begin Again

It's been a busy couple of weeks.  Lots of changes happening.  It's amazing how much is going on lately.  Day job is picking up speed and there is much to do.  I'm keeping up but I need to remember to take some deep breaths and watch my stress levels from spiking too high.

My brother Bleu moved out to L.A this past Thursday.  He's following his dream to go produce music and I'm really proud of him. He set himself up in an apartment and some freelance work and he's just going to work his ass off until some of his music takes off.  I'm all for following dreams...Go Bleu!! I helped him pack boxes late into the night last week because he's a night owl.

I met up with my writing group this past weekend.  It went better than I expected. Got some really great comments to use for my revision.  I'll start working on those changes this week.

I've seen a couple of movies lately.  The most recent, I went to see is Begin Again, a movie by John Carney.  I love this movie but then again  I have a soft spot for musicals.  Keira Knightley (Gretta) surprised me with her voice.  Adam Levine plays the part of Dave and he is great as her douchy boyfriend.  But Mark Ruffalo absolutely steals this movie playing the part of Dan, a former music executive, who finds his passion for music again.  There is a moment in the movie when they are playing on the rooftop of a building and the scene absolutely brought tears to my eyes from the sheer joy of it.  So of course I bought the soundtrack and I can't stop listening to all the music but I'm sharing Keira Knightley singing Lost Stars.

Adam Levine singing Lost Stars
Told you I like it...now go and enjoy!


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2014 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.