Sunday, July 20, 2014

Begin Again

It's been a busy couple of weeks.  Lots of changes happening.  It's amazing how much is going on lately.  Day job is picking up speed and there is much to do.  I'm keeping up but I need to remember to take some deep breaths and watch my stress levels from spiking too high.

My brother Bleu moved out to L.A this past Thursday.  He's following his dream to go produce music and I'm really proud of him. He set himself up in an apartment and some freelance work and he's just going to work his ass off until some of his music takes off.  I'm all for following dreams...Go Bleu!! I helped him pack boxes late into the night last week because he's a night owl.

I met up with my writing group this past weekend.  It went better than I expected. Got some really great comments to use for my revision.  I'll start working on those changes this week.

I've seen a couple of movies lately.  The most recent, I went to see is Begin Again, a movie by John Carney.  I love this movie but then again  I have a soft spot for musicals.  Keira Knightley (Gretta) surprised me with her voice.  Adam Levine plays the part of Dave and he is great as her douchy boyfriend.  But Mark Ruffalo absolutely steals this movie playing the part of Dan, a former music executive, who finds his passion for music again.  There is a moment in the movie when they are playing on the rooftop of a building and the scene absolutely brought tears to my eyes from the sheer joy of it.  So of course I bought the soundtrack and I can't stop listening to all the music but I'm sharing Keira Knightley singing Lost Stars.

Adam Levine singing Lost Stars
Told you I like go and enjoy!


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