Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Off-the-cuff Entry

It’s a bright, sunny Tuesday and the blue nail polish I have on is chipping. Mental note: Take off polish tonight. This is going to be off-the-cuff entry since my brain seems to be skipping ahead of my typing fingers.

I spent a really decent weekend with my mom, sisters and nieces. Talk about a girls weekend, juice boxes and booster seats included. We met up at Union Square and shared fruits and rice cakes from the farmer’s market then caught Brave at a Saturday matinee. The movie was really sweet and the animation was amazing. Afterwards, they went off to the park for a bit of jumping about and I went off to kill some time before the dyke march. I walked around and did some window shopping and decided that Fifth Avenue shops are just too expensive for my tastes and Old Navy fashion is too cheaply made to make me part with my cash. So there you have it, my shopping habits in a nutshell. I decided lunch was a must and I needed to get out of the sun because my head began to ache. I went off to eat a couple of tacos and a migraine began to bloom even before I ate. Ergh! Migraines suck a**. I felt it coming on like a falling brick wall but I held off going home right away. I figured if I went into a cold dark theater that it would help subside the pain. So I purchased a ticket to see Prometheus (which I’ve wanted to see since it came out) but that solution did not help matters. So there I was trying to decide if I should venture back outside to grab the train and could I possibly make the hour long trip home. By this time the light sensitivity was pretty bad and I could barely watch the movie without wanting to up-chuck the tacos. *little bit of grumbling * I was bummed that I was feeling so crappy because I wanted to walk in the dyke march.

I knew I had to give up that notion and just go home. I walked out of the movie and put on my shades and found the shadiest route to the train. Ergh* I felt like a vampire avoiding the light of day. The only thing that helped me from getting sick was the high air conditioning in both theater and trains...so there you have it that was Saturday. I made it home, pulled down all the shades and try to find a cool spot to take a nap. My apartment was an oven so I just curled up on the couch in a light t-shirt and shorts and tried NOT to pray for a quick death. (Trying to be a bit better with my outward disposition. Hahaha.)

The next day, the migraine was gone. THANK GOODNESS because I didn’t want to cancel going to the beach especially on my birthday. Two cars, three nieces, two sisters and mami and we were off. The day was hot and bright and the water was icy cold. LOVED IT!! My mom took one look at my pale legs and said, “Why are you so white?!” LOL!! Maybe because I sit in a cubicle on most days or because I avoid the sun because of my migraines. Or maybe I don’t really like wearing a bathing suit as I’ve gotten older. Hehehe. Anyway, I was out there on Sunday with SPF 45 lotion to prevent me from becoming a lobster. I swam out past the throngs of people until I had enough space to tread water, float or swim. Yay! I felt like the tension that I have been holding in my shoulders was finally loosening up. The tight hamstrings were beginning to give way. We were there almost 5 hours and I spent the better part of it in the water. Yay!! I tried getting my little nieces in but there were too many tears and screams to get them past the shore. LOL!

I had a delicious time at the beach and I may just go back on Saturday. Anyway, thanks for the well wishes on my b-day. It left a wide smile on my face. The good mood had definitely lasted. By the way, my deadline for finishing my draft was never met. However, I am still working on the novel and getting a much needed push past the hard chapters. I haven’t given myself a new deadline yet but that will come soon.



P.S. I’m obsessed with listening to Ed Sheeran’s + album so I’m putting up another one of his songs here:

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

I found out today that my student loan payments have been reduced by half. Which means I can get some breathing room to save some money for a new computer. (By the way, thanks again for those folks who contributed to my 'puter fund, it's greatly appreciated and helped pay for repairs.) Which means that I won’t be scraping by from month to month because you know that’s always fun. Which means that getting a little tiki hut by the beach is a little closer to feasible (It's a little dream of mine...happy sigh). Talk about a quick answer from the universe after writing about just this very issue in yesterday’s post. Needless to say, I have a Cheshire cat grin today ‘cause it’s a much needed relief for this creative type who is living to write. That said I am sharing a neo-punk song from Neon Trees – “Animal.” I know it’s a couple of years old but it’s fun and reflects my upbeat mood.  Peace, L~
All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today is going to be a scorcher of a summer solstice day and I wish I had played hooky. It’s perfect beach weather. The water would be icy cold and I would have spent the better part of the day in the water. *sigh* I’m telling you if I didn’t have so much student loan debt, I would soooooo live near a beach, work very little, and spend my mornings writing. My body is craving to swim in the ocean. Maybe I'll go out to the beach this weekend.

Sunday is my birthday. Good god! How much do I hate birthdays…let me count the ways...hehehe. Being compared to fine wine and cheese (“getting better with age”) just makes me want to clobber someone. I look at myself in the mirror and wonder who’s the person staring back at me. A teeny, tiny VAIN voice within me sometime rears its ugly head. The voice that wants to slow down the aging process, who can’t get past the strands of graying hair, who wants to be 20 again, who wants her figure back, who wants her tits to be perky again, who wants to be that force of nature to be reckoned with…that I once was many moons ago. Alas, we are past those days. 

Instead, I need to stop spending so much time looking back at my yesterdays and start facing my days to come. My new tomorrows. The prospect of some day soon finishing my very first novel. Enjoying new music and new friendships. Remembering I have a whole life ahead of me still yet to live. And that my life is far from over. On this bright and shiny solstice day I am feeling hopeful.

[Updated]  So Justin Nozuka has a great smooth vibe and I listen to him more and more these days.  You can't go wrong with a little talent.  Wanted to share one of his songs to add a little flava to this entry



All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.