Sunday, February 18, 2018

Muse - part deux

Day two: My muse was hard at work writing every line today.  I managed to get most of it down.  I'll need to read it back eventually but not yet. Today my muse gave me eighteen pages.  I thought I would try for 30 pages but my creaky back won't cooperate.  I left a note to myself on the last line of what might be next but that might change between now and when I wake up tomorrow morning.

I'm also trying to line up some references for this application. I'm hoping that I'll hear back on Monday if I can use their names/contact. I'm hopped up on the flow of creative juices.  I'm not sure what to do next but feeling very satisfied with my progress.  Ooo did I just jinx myself.  Nah! I'm good.  I'm going to make myself some Earl Grey Tea and break open one of the new books I've bought last night. I need something light and refreshing to cleanse the palate.  Not sure if I have a book title that fits the bill quite yet.

Last thing I wanted to mention: I had a dream that I had a porcupine resting in my arms and I was petting it's quills. At one point, the porcupine began to let go of its quills because it didn't want to be in my arms anymore. But I kept him in place, passing my hand over it's quills. It was important to keep him in my arms to pet him. Don't ask me was a strange dream. Anyway, the quills would enter the flesh of my arms creating this sharp sensation of pain and pleasure. At one point I had one of the quills under my chin and when I yanked it, the barbed effect of the quill ripped the flesh into a bigger wound.  I woke up with a start, touching my chin and arms to see if any quills were left behind. Hmmm. Interesting, right?

Okay, that's all I have for tonight. With a curtsy I bid you adieu.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2018 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Muse at Full Alert

It's an overcast day on this cold Saturday afternoon in February.  Brrr. I'm sitting at my desk and I showed up to the page today.  What does that mean? I have a deadline and instead of watching tv or cleaning, I chose to write. Full on. I spent the morning writing and came out with quite a few pages. I won't attach a value to it...good, bad, shitty first draft. Instead, I'm grateful for the quiet space to be able to get it done.

I'm working on a play. I'm trying to get a playwriting fellowship with a theater. This piece that I need to submit has to be 60 pages.  And it's due on March 1st. Yesterday I wrote 1.5 pages at work when I had a quiet moment. I emailed the words to my personal account and opened up that bad boy this morning and went to town.  I managed 14 pages today.  I'm glad the submission does not have to be a finished product otherwise I would have found every excuse under the sun not to even try.

Perhaps these deadlines help get me out of my stalling tactics. Now I'm in a straight up panic, writing as quickly as i can to get the idea down before my muse decides to flee the scene. Poor thing.  She's been so neglected for so long that she's like a starving artist coming up to a feast.  She wants me to keep writing but I need a break. I spent five hours working and now I need to take a long walk in the city to get my blood circulating again.

Just needed to write this quick entry first. All for now.

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2018 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday afternoon in February

Let's see I've spent the day writing.  I've needed to work on a new scene/play for an upcoming deadline and I found that I have nothing to say. Isn't that strange? Me? Not have anything to say?  Seriously?  I didn't get anywhere with that piece.

I also worked on a couple of poetry pieces. I have one hanging in the draft mode on this blog. Not ready to pull the trigger on it yet. However, I did submit some new poetry pieces to an online magazine. I guess that's something right?

I've had the apartment to myself and I like the ability to stretch out without my roommate around.

I am sitting at my desk, sipping a big cup of hot earl grey tea, a small desk light on, looking out the window. The day is grey and dim but I'm feeling at peace with the world today. I'm listening to James Bay playing in the background.  Someone snap a pic, quick. It's def worth making a note here about it. Since most days I'm full of angst and worries over not getting enough writing done. Today, I am not. :-)  Time to go finish a journal entry and then dinner.  OM!

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2018 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.