Monday, October 7, 2013

Manic Monday

What a brutal day!! I won't bother to list the many, many things that went wrong.  Let's just say I'm glad that today is almost over and tomorrow is a NEW DAY!!  I could use a little magic to pick me up.

Aside from a bad day...I've been doing a lot of non-fiction reading. I've picked up What Color is Your Parachute, Eat Right 4 Your Type and Ensouling Language (still reading it).
What Color is for some much needed career advice.
Eat Right is to help me adjust my diet.
Ensouling speaks to my writer's soul.

Last bit, just want to share The Lumineers song-Stubborn Love.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Oh me, oh my

October is turning out to be a very busy month.
Lots of fun social events with friends. Yay!
Tickets to see Fiona Apple in concert.  Looking forward to that.
Even had a fun night out with fellow workers from my day gig a couple of nights ago.  Usually my introverted side has a hard time mingling...but I managed to stay for an hour and a half without putting my foot in my mouth...yay.  Hehehe...only those who ever feel socially awkward truly understand.  * doing a little dance. *
I also booked a train ticket to go see my best friend upstate over the long Columbus Day weekend.  Yay.  I'm bringing my laptop to work on my slow progressing novel.  Rest and relaxation and writing...who can beat that?
My grandmother is coming into town so lots of cleaning and running errands before she arrives later tonight.  She's in town because one of my aunts has been very sickly lately. Hopefully it won't be a sad visit.
Let's see, I had this wicked cold last weekend that had me laid out for the better part of the week...and today I feel bright-eyed and bushy tailed.  * awww *
Last but certainly not least, a friend of mine who's been laid up in the hospital after complications from a ruptured appendix is finally back on the road to recovery.  K was released earlier in the week but she still needs an at-home day nurse to help change IV antibiotics. She was in such bad shape that I thought the outcome was going to be different.  Her fighting Irish spirit was not giving up.  Thank goodness.  The down side is that her doctors are telling her that she's not allowed to go back to work for at least 6 months. For someone who's a day laborer that's difficult news to hear. Thankfully, she's got some good friends who are lending her a hand.  To be rich with the bonds of friendship is all the treasure you need in this world...truly. I learned that lesson from one of my favorite movies, 'It's A Wonderful Life.'
I think I've put off getting my day started long enough....time to hit the shower.

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cold Hard Gaze

Do you ever stand back and take a look at the state of your life and think, where the heck am I?
Sheesh this happens to me far too often. However, this is not one of those self-pitying entries. It's a cold hard gaze, seeing clearly the scope and range of my life...the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. No doubt, I have had some hardships in my life. In this day and age who hasn't.  I have a crazy family who drive me bat-shit crazy from time to time but who love and support me the best way they know how. My extended family of close, bright, vibrant friends who make my heart glad when I think of them or when I hear from them...who let me vent without judgment, who vent back when they need support and they know they can count on me too. God! how much do I love them all?  Even the ones that I'm no longer on good terms with or who I fell out of grace with. I am grateful for the gifts, the lessons and the challenges that have come and gone. They have made me far more resilient than I ever give myself credit. I pride myself on being efficient person but really that's just a skill I've honed. What really matters is the people who have ever come into my life, who are in my life, or no longer actively communicating or who have passed from this life.  Those connections, some brief, some that have spanned decades...those in community, those who I've shared prayers with, both teachers and students, lovers and friends. Tonight, I feel blessed to have known them all. I am filled with gratitude and I just wanted to share this personal tidbit.  * heart wide open *

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2013 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.