Friday, January 13, 2012

One foot out the door

It’s the Friday before a long weekend and I am feeling antsy. I want to get moving, I want to get going but I am sitting here waiting. At the moment, there is nothing immediate that needs to be done. I could work on my writing but I’m covering phones today. I can’t take the constant interruption without wanting to rip someone’s head off. So the writing will have to wait.

I brought the latest chapter into my writing group yesterday. The feedback they gave me was on point. They brought up the places where they felt there was something missing or that needed to be reworked. My second main character is too similar to my protagonist and now I am trying to figure out how to make her voice more distinctive. What I have in my head isn’t quite translating out onto the page yet. I’m not frustrated about it… just trying to work it out. Ergh. Means reworking chapter 7 again. *rubbing my face off*

I’m still working on finishing up Chapter 8. I spent some time yesterday researching 2nd degree burns, what’s considered extensive and life threatening and the complications that arise. I managed to add another 200 words to the chapter. It’s something.

I can’t stop thinking about this story. My brain is filled with images and scenes of things to come and I jot down a sentence or a couple of lines to remind me later. I’ve resorted to jotting notes on index cards and scrap paper. Not really a good method since I’ll look at the notes later and need to decipher what my cryptic messages mean. There is a fine balance between writing too fast and writing too slow. I don’t want to lose what’s coming up but if I rush through then it’s about having to fill it out later. Goodness. Am I griping? ‘Cause it’s starting to sound that way. Okay I think that’s where I’ll stop for the day.

It’s a windy, rainy day and I have one foot out the door. Just have 2.5 more hours before I can go.



Go Giants!! 

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2011 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Word count...up

Hmmm, been working on chapter 8 today. Added 1,389 words to this new story line for a total of 1,557 words. Yes, counting words helps me keep track of the growing progress of this novel. There are still more chapters that haven’t been touched by revisions yet but wondering now if they are going to fit with these new material.
Eventually, will need to skim further pages to see if the older material can be salvaged and repurposed in with the new material. ergh. Square peg…round hole…pushing hard…doesn’t seem to want to go in. Must find a way to make it fit. Hehehe. No, not really. Just need to look at the work, see what can be used and what can be scrapped.

Brain feels a bit fried today. Grey cloudy day, foggy brain. Everyone seems to be sick with a head cold/ sinus infection/ hacking cough/ plague lately. Trying not to get sick by ducking every time I hear someone cough or sneeze. Grrr…my throat is starting to hurt. Psychosomatic much? Perhaps. Off I go… in search of a much needed cup of hot tea.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2011 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Monday, January 9, 2012


My brain is full tonight with thoughts of parallel universes and alternate realities.  We go through life making a thousand decisions big and small and each of them take us down one path or another.  We have encounters or miss opportunities based on those decisions and I think how different would our lives be if we had taken a chance instead of hold ourselves back.  Or if we had held ourselves back when we've leapt headlong down the rabbit hole...only to find ourselves in a dead end reality.  No, this blog entry is not about regrets. It's more about thinking of the larger cosmic reality.  Quantum reality.  The lives we are living in parallel universes and how those lives might have unfolded.

What if I had never lived with one person and had finished my graduate degree earlier?  I would never have met the next person.  What if I had applied and been accepted into Cooper Union to pursue an art degree instead of hiding from that desire? I would never have pursued theater and playwriting. What if I had continued teaching at the college level?  What if I had moved forward without the safety net of a plan B career?  Where would I be now in terms of my creative work? What if I had stayed away instead of going back? Out there in that quantum reality those lives are being lived. Which ones made a go of it?  Which ones crashed and burned?  Which ones are happy and jammin'? Which ones sit in the dark with a laptop asking those questions?  And if I could change any of those decisions, would I have done anything differently?

What a way to fry one's brain in the middle of the night?

This is when those questions come up, late in the night when the apartment is quiet and my thoughts are allowed to run rampant through the grey matter.  They bounce off the walls, make me toss and turn as if I had to make those decisions all over again.  No, thank goodness once was enough.  But there is hunger that stirs in the pit of my stomach.  It burns with ambition...wanting best outcomes. Hell, I don't know if it's work related or life related has sharp teeth.  I want to tamp it down with gin and smokes but why unscrew that cap now.  In the light of day, those teeth retract and I manage to melt into the moving crowds of trains and commuters.  This life...this too small to appease the hunger.  Must dream bigger...because the soul is restless.

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2012 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.