I am plugging along on the novel. Took me awhile to get back on track but the last two days I’ve written up 3,600 more words. It’s cool…progress…finally! I’m not sure what happened. One day I was hemming and hawing about what to do next with the story… the next thing I know…I revamped 3 whole chapters in a matter of days (Chapters 3, 4, and 5 are mostly done…5 may need more but will decide better tomorrow) with the 6th chapter (1,500 words) waiting for a serious line edit. Yes!
I had given myself a year-end deadline with this novel and now that I have the last three and a half weeks breathing down my neck…it kick started me to plow through and get this rough draft turned over into a decent manuscript.

Also, I’ve been reading Margaret Atwood’s:
In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination and her take on the genre. It’s providing fuel for me to finish this story. I’ve only read the first couple of chapters but I’m fascinated with the way she engages with this particular genre. Her words have motivated me to finish my own story because at the end of the day, I want to see how this book ends. It has changed so much from its initial inception that I want to see what this story will eventually become.
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