Thursday, May 19, 2011

Breakthrough, YAY!

With the amount of writing suckage I was producing, I really needed a decent writing day. It was just a moment but it worked. Hoorah! I think I may even have to print this out and stick it on my wall to remind me that writing eventually happen if I keep at it. All of a sudden I saw a way out of my painted corner.

Earlier, I called Christine up from my writing group to tell her that I was probably not going to bring in any pages to the group on Friday. This alone left me feeling a bit sour. Her advice was to bring the two pages so we could have a chance to talk about it. I said, “Really?” in the highest, whiniest voice I could muster, “but it all sucks and I’m stuck.” She said, “Yes, we’ll take a look and you can talk it through with us.” I gave a big sigh and said, “Okay”

I took out my two measly straggly pages that I wrote in the last week and just read it over. All I was going to do was print out copies for my peers. But then I thought, let me at least finish the scene. Four pages and 906 words later….I finally, finally, FINALLY finished writing/revising Chapter 2.

Okay, I’m off to look at an art studio in Harlem. Hopefully, it’s not the size of a dark closet. Maybe, just maybe, I can bring over some of my painting supplies and have a working space to paint again. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Peace~ L

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2011 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

*grumble, grumble*

Sitting at my desk, working on my novel and nothing is coming out today.  Can’t force it, can’t make it happen.  The more I grasp at this ephemeral material the less access there is to it.  I’m frustrated!!  Wrote a grand total of 68 words today.  I’m not a happy camper.  In fact, my inner writer wants to throw herself on the floor in a fit of rage.  A bit dramatic I know…but full throttle kicking and screaming out of sheer frustration. I need an intervention. The belief in my own ability to finish this project is flagging today.  I can feel hot, biting tears filling up my eye sockets as I write these words out.  Yes, a bit overly dramatic.  I have to remember that I’ve gotten this far with the story.  I have managed to finish projects in the past so I am capable of finishing this one.  And just because I don’t “feel” it today doesn’t mean it will NEVER come.  The inner critic has the bullhorn today and all I can hear is, “I can’t write.”  I think a long walk after work is needed.  I’m so caught up in my own head that I’ve forgotten how to breathe.  Peace~

All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2011 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monsoon season begins

This very Tuesday morning I woke up to yet another day of rain. I pulled myself out of bed, forced myself into the shower and it helped to wake me up. I dried my hair frizzy, put on some warm clothes, pulled on a pair of waterproof boots, put on my black trench coat, picked out a bright blue umbrella and out the door. As soon as I walked half a block, the skies opened up and down it poured, full on. The sky rumbled with thunder as dark clouds rolled overhead. The drops came down so hard it splashed up and drenched my dress slacks up to my knees. At least, they were the warmer ones. I kept walking and the rain kept coming down harder. It felt like it was picking up speed. That’s when I discovered that my waterproof boots are no longer as I felt water seep into my left boot. Ergh. So this is the first hour awake on Tuesday. Yep, I’m ready to pull the ostrich maneuver and hide under my duvet today. But alas, I continued on to my day job.

As I got onto the train and listened to people cough and wheeze through the first three express stops…it made me realize that there is some virus going around. It’s really when my hypochondriac self kicks into high gear and I just want to cover nose and mouth as a five year old sings Frère Jacques between bouts of a hacking phlegmy cough. Ick. *giggle* And you know she still doesn’t know how to cover her mouth yet as she shares all these lovely germs with the rest of us within a 3 feet vicinity. Bleck. (:-p)

So what is my writing update? Well, Sunday and Monday I was out of commission with yet another migraine. They seem to be coming on more aggressively these past 6 months. Not good for the overall well being and they are too painful to settle down and write for any length of time. However, that was yesterday. Today, my plan is to go home tonight and do some writing. I’m functioning again today so I may as well take advantage of the clarity. I have writing group on Friday so I’m hoping to bring in the rest of chapter 2. This is all new material that I’ve added during this rewrite process.

Wish me luck that it works.



All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2011 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.