I found out today that my student loan payments have been reduced by half. Which means I can get some breathing room to save some money for a new computer. (By the way, thanks again for those folks who contributed to my 'puter fund, it's greatly appreciated and helped pay for repairs.) Which means that I won’t be scraping by from month to month because you know that’s always fun. Which means that getting a little tiki hut by the beach is a little closer to feasible (It's a little dream of mine...happy sigh). Talk about a quick answer from the universe after writing about just this very issue in yesterday’s post. Needless to say, I have a Cheshire cat grin today ‘cause it’s a much needed relief for this creative type who is living to write. That said I am sharing a neo-punk song from Neon Trees – “Animal.” I know it’s a couple of years old but it’s fun and reflects my upbeat mood. Peace, L~
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