Thursday, January 20, 2011

Turning Over A New Leaf

Today I’m going to turn over a new leaf with this blog. I am going to stop whinging away on it. Don’t gasp, it’s true. It’s too easy for me to get stuck in this weird place of listing every aggravating thing that happens in my life. The truth is we all deal with difficulties and there is no point in giving it more credence than it deserves.

Instead, I am going to focus on the writing (and how that’s going), movies, art, music and anything that gets me super excited. At the end of the day, there are a lot of things out there in this world that bring me real pleasure. For example, walking to the subway today, the sun was bright and the air was crisp. It’s a fleeting moment of real beauty. Yum.

With that said, let’s get to it. So the night before last, I added another 913 words to my novel. It’s moving along. I really wish I knew where this story was heading. I sincerely have a deer-in-the-headlight look on my face when I approach the page these days. But I trust the process and spend time with these characters a little bit every day. I don’t quite have the language of the children down yet…they talk older than their chronological age. It’s taking every ounce of self will not to try to edit while I write this rough draft. I have to gently remind myself edits come after I finish the story. The climax is coming up and I’m not sure if I’m ready to tackle it yet. I am just focusing on the next 1,000 words. If I keep the blinders on, I don’t spook so easily. Hehehe…it’s funny ‘cause it’s true.

On a personal note, I found out my 10-year old kitty Pandora has been sick for quite some time. In the past year, she’s gone from being a 15 lbs cat down to 9 lbs. At first, I thought it was a natural weight loss because she was getting older and it happened so gradually. I told some friends and they thought it might be diabetes. So this past week has been about vet visits, blood work, waiting for test results, talking to the vet about meds and costs. She has hyperthyroidism which can be managed with meds. I have to thank my lovely friends for all their love and support these past weeks. It’s helped me stay calm despite my rising panic. Pandora has been with me through thick and thin the past 7 years and I’m glad she is on the mend.


All artwork, photos, and text © Copyright 2008-2011 Liliana Almendarez unless indicated otherwise. All Rights Reserved. Any downloading, copying or use of images on this website is strictly prohibited without express written consent by Liliana Almendarez.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!! It can be so easy to focus only on what is going wrong in our life (I think we are taught to think this way), and ignore what is going right. With this kind of thinking, we can ALWAYS find something wrong. But, being able to acknowledge what is going right can actually help deal with what is going wrong. Perhaps, in a society that is so focused on the negative, finding joy in life is seen as a slight. I don't care. I embrace joy, even when my life is falling apart. It isn't always easy to do this, but I work hard at it every day!
    I'd much rather go down singing and dancing than fill my own boat with tears!
