My sister Vick sent me this video and it made me smile. She shared this with me because she knows I get a bit despondent from time to time over the state of my creative life.
Creative life?
What creative life?
These past two weeks have been filled to the brim with my day job. Leaving very little head space for writing. In fact, I've run myself ragged and have been in bed with a head cold most of the weekend. Booo. Saturday it was pouring cats and dogs so I had an excuse to hide under my duvet (not venture out into the world) and allow myself time to recover. This coming week promises to be yet another busy week filled with 11 hour days. This kind of schedule is brutal because at the end of the day all I want to do is crash.
When I do have a moment to myself, I am listening to the Senate hearings or watching news on the political landscape both here in the US and in Europe. Eesh. No wonder I've been blocking out the world with music. No wonder most of my blog updates have been music related. Because at the end of the day music is the only thing that helps me get out of bed and face the day. * sigh * There's that despondency I mentioned earlier. I better sign off now before I get REALLY maudlin. Peace, L~
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