Sunday, May 25, 2014

Words and Pictures

On Friday afternoon, after an early release from work, I went to see a little indie flick called Words and Pictures starring Clive Owens and Juliette Binoche.  It's a romantic comedy but more importantly it's a dialogue revolving around the creative process.  How creatives use their medium in this case writing and painting to try to convey a point of view through their work.  Owens plays a frustrated writer who drinks to sublimate the suffering of being unable to create.  While Binoche plays a painter who struggles to find a way of new way of being able to work her craft while suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The language is gorgeous when either of them talk about Words or Pictures. They frame the movie under a guise of a war against the other but really it was a chance to challenge and dialogue around the medium in question. As far as the romantic element, it's wonderful to see earthy adults having real dialogues about their pain and how they are able to find a way of relating to one another, at times a bit sideways and odd but refreshing and open.  A woman who sat behind me said to her friend that she thought it was heavy-handed at times. For someone like me who loves language, well let's just say I soaked it in and spent the day writing because I was inspired.  Lovely little film, I hope others get a chance to catch it.  



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