Monday, December 15, 2008

Earth Tide Rising

Pretend to be human,
to be someone forming
in purple ink against
the night sky that
wore a full moon
around her neck.

Fold into the signal, blink in Morse code
decipher the message, text it instead,
flip the meaning upside down

Disembodied writer and myself dissipating.
Wild woods open their branched
path when the internal suffers.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

She bites a ripe mango
tastes like the melting sun
as juice runs down
the sides of her mouth.
Exquisite kiss.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Autumn leaves create damp
brown etchings on white concrete.

Weeping willows without leaves
look naked and defenseless.

Leaves float onto the subway platform
brilliant hues rain down upon us.

Bare branches warrant
a climb high above
the ground to build tree-houses.

A hawk on a high branch
watches and waits.

Heavy skies blossom
sheets of rain that
obscure the woods
and pound the earth
leaving behind gaping holes.